Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III beta survey goes live

dawn-of-war-iii-09-23-16-4If you are are looking forward to playing SEGA and Relic’s Dawn of War III, you are in luck as beta sign-ups have already gone live. The survey asks you questions on your history with Warhammer franchise, where you play your games and experience with strategy games. If you are a SEGA fan that have always wanted to give a franchise like Dawn of War III a chance, I’d recommend signing up.

Beta Survey

Dawn of War III is set to blend aspects of what made Dawn of War and Dawn of War II some of the best selling strategy PC games of all time. Dawn of War III is set to release sometime this year, seven years after the release of Dawn of War II.

SEGA and Atlus E3 2016 line-up revealed


SEGA has just issued a press release laying out just what attendees can expect to find at their E3 2016 booth, which as we’ve detailed before will be shared with Atlus. While the press release was issued by the London offices, the booth itself is being run by SEGA of America and Atlus USA, however there will be select titles that will also be making their way to Europe. First up is Relic Entertainment’s Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III, which is set to release in 2017 for Microsoft Windows PC. SEGA’s Yakuza 0, due out in 2017 for PS4 in the Americas and Europe, and Atlus’s Persona 5, due out in February 2017 in the Americas, will also be playable. Sonic will also have a presence with Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice for the Nintendo 3DS which is due out in the Americas and Europe in September 2016. And last but not least, 7th Dragon III Code: VFD for the Nintendo 3DS, which is due out in July 2016 in the Americas, will also be on display.

Jurgen Post, COO For SEGA Europe Ltd., called the lineup “one of the strongest line-ups we have had at E3 for quite a few years”, which is arguably true. Though given SEGA didn’t have a booth in 2015, and 2014 heavily featured the critical bomb that was Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, it’s not hard too hard to declare 2016’s showing as a strong one comparatively. Personally, I think 2016’s E3 lineup is lacking that one big new title that 2014 had with Alien: Isolation. Yakuza 0 and 7th Dragon III Code: VFD are sure to be fun, but they are also titles that have already been released in Japan for some time. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III and Persona 5 both look great, but I wouldn’t say Warhammer is game your average SEGA fan has been chomping at the bit for, and obviously the other is an Atlus title. Also of note, no signs of any Xbox One or Wii U games.

Still, it is great to see SEGA returning to E3 and we wish them a great show. Hopefully this is just a baby step after their massive restructuring and we have more reveals to come leading up to or after the event. Sonic fans and even SEGA themselves have been heavily teasing that the Sonic 25th Anniversary event in July is something to watch out for, so maybe the big new Sonic game will be revealed there amongst one thousand fans who will undoubtably spread the word via fan sites and social media rather than at a trade show.

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Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team released on Steam while nobody was looking


So this one flew under the radar. A PC port of Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team was suddenly released on Steam half a month ago for $9.99. Unlike other Warhammer 40k games, this is a top-down shooter originally released on XBLA and PC which was developed by the now defunct THQ Digital Studios UK. It also has a focus on co-op, though strangely it only has local multiplayer.

The new PC version was handled by Nomad Games, a small studio where people who worked on the original game work. This is also the first Warhammer 40k game published by SEGA.