Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F pre-orders closed by GameStop


If you go to GameStop’s site you will see that they are no longer taking pre-orders for Hatsune Miku Project Diva F. This is surprising. This probably a good thing though. It probably means Miku is really popular! But we don’t know since we aren’t SEGA. Game will be out August 27th on retail for North America, and PSN for both NA and Europe.

Lb OdAd:

2 responses to “Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F pre-orders closed by GameStop

  1. Radrappy says:

    The fanbase for this property is nothing short of staggering. And also terrifying.

  2. xxxwillxxx says:

    yea….so where’s PSO 2

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