SEGA posts survey asking fans for feedback on Sonic the Hedgehog, Yakuza, Valkyria Chronicles, Phantasy Star, & more

If you have been like me, sitting around and waiting for SEGA to ask for our opinion on how they’ve been handling the Phantasy Star franchise; then you are in luck! SEGA has tweeted out asking for fans to give them feedback on their on-going and some legacy brands. You can take the survey here.

This survey is also good for the future direction of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, considering it was announced that the next Sonic the Hedgehog game has already begun production.


9 responses to “SEGA posts survey asking fans for feedback on Sonic the Hedgehog, Yakuza, Valkyria Chronicles, Phantasy Star, & more

  1. Tailsic says:

    well that was interesting to do

  2. Celso says:

    Done! I hope they remember about Virtua Fighter for God sake

  3. Anthony says:

    Done, remember that these are opportunities to show interest for Yakuza: Ishiin and PSO2 in the states too.

  4. tom heather says:

    can only do it if you live in the USA ? 🙁

  5. Joe says:

    What’s the point if only US fans can complete it?

  6. Deefy says:


    It’s the same survey I can’t partecipate in…

    Not to be controversial, but I have always been able to participate/register, etc. in all things from Japan and beyond, but from U.S.A. counting only today I could not express myself regarding SEGA and the NCAA Bracket …

  7. Yonarious says:

    Pso 1&2 remake


    Cool, let me know when Europe gets a chance…

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