Panzer Dragoon Limited Run Games pre-orders go live tomorrow, ‘Classic Edition’ includes SEGA Saturn tall case

The brand new, Panzer Dragoon remake will get a physical version thanks to Limited Run Games which will have two versions, one being a regular version for $39.99 and the ‘Classic Edition’ which comes with a SEGA Saturn replica case for $59.99. While its cool to get these physical editions, its a bit sad that the ‘Classic Edition’ isn’t coming with more goodies outside of a replica case. Maybe Limited Run Games has spoiled me in the past but no artwork? Poster? Art Book?

According to Limited Run Games, both the regular and Classic Edition will be open pre-orders until April 24th, meaning you don’t have to prey that you can get a copy and gives you time to free up cash to order.

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One response to “Panzer Dragoon Limited Run Games pre-orders go live tomorrow, ‘Classic Edition’ includes SEGA Saturn tall case

  1. Leo the Woodlouse says:

    It says it is a ‘Timed exclusive’ on Switch and it was never said to not be coming to fo Xbox Live or PSN, so maybe it can be expected to be on X1 as well?

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