Win limited edition Ryo Hazuki forklift figurine

Look at that awesome figure, wouldn’t you want to have one? I would! Problem? There are only 75 made. So you should all sign up and hope to get one. If not you can always try ebay and pay way too much for one. Enter the contest here.

Getting that error? Well, I forgot to mention that the contest is only for US residents only.


10 responses to “Win limited edition Ryo Hazuki forklift figurine

  1. Kori-Maru says:

    Too young, WTF?!

  2. Mengels7 says:

    Yes, you have to be over 21 to win a children's toy for a children's game.

  3. This is a real kick in the balls to US Sega fans. First Bayonetta, then this and soon Sonic Classic Collection. Wheres our exclusive goodies?? Even those who qualify for this have a chance in hell of winning.

    (waits for Sakura Wars Premium Pak… it's not much but I'll take what I can find…)

    • Barry the Nomad says:

      Barry, this is Barry from the future. You were one of the lucky winners. You now own one of these. Quit your complaining.

  4. Aki-at says:

    Barry, this is only for US residents…

  5. I know, but even if you're a US resident it isn't much of a bonus. I guarantee 74 of the winners will not have even played Shenmue.

  6. Centrale says:

    If only we could be judged by the purity of the burning flames in our hearts… then we would win dozens of these little figurines. Dozens, I tell you!

  7. <blockquote cite="comment-126">

    Centrale: If only we could be judged by the purity of the burning flames in our hearts… then we would win dozens of these little figurines.Dozens, I tell you!  

    If this were facebook, I'd "like" this.

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