SEGA Talk #125: Sonic Fast Food Promotions (1993-2023)

On this fast food filled episode of SEGA Talk we take a quick drive-thru the last thirty years of Sonic’s fast food promotions! Buckle up and get ready to eat!

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Seaman is back, introducing Seaman ASMR

Over in Japan, Mt. Rainier coffee will provide customers a QR codes on their coffee cans to listen to the beautiful soothing sounds of Seaman ASMR tracks. According to the company, the point of the promotion is to use soothing ocean tracks to help people who suffered stress during COVID-19 pandemic. Seaman will have four ASMR tracks and occasionally say various things.

While at first it sounds like the company just used tracks from Seaman, the ASMR is actually being done by award-winning aquascaper Takayuki Fukada. The QR code will also allow the user to access AR images of Japanese cities, which will have Seaman appear. As far as the tone of Seaman in this promotional advertisement will be, is unknown. I would hope that Seaman doesn’t insult the people, considering its meant to be for people under stress.

While on the surface a Seaman ASMR promotion seems a bit odd, considering how long the franchise has been dormant, Seaman was actually the highest selling Dreamcast game in the region. I’d assume Mt. Rainier would want to cash in on fans that grew up with the game. I’m personally looking forward to when the Seaman ASMR tracks get posted online for my listening pleasure.

[Via: Siliconera]

SEGA’s Aaron Webber Accepts Role at SEGA of Japan as Director of Strategy, Studio & Community Relations

Aaron Webber, longtime friend to the site and a legend among Sonic and SEGA fans, has had a long career with SEGA of America. Joining SEGA in 2008, Aaron worked as a Game Master for Phantasy Star Universe, an Assistant Community Manager and then as Associate Brand Manager before a brief departure from the company in 2014. Then, in 2015, Aaron returned to act as PR & Social Media Manager and then Senior Social Media Manager for the Sonic the Hedgehog brand. It was during this period that Sonic saw a social media EXPLOSION with national attention on how he and his team handled the brand’s social media accounts.

Now, Aaron has accepted a role with SEGA of Japan as Director of Strategy, Studio & Community Relations. While not much has been said of Aaron’s day to day responsibilities, he has said “besides Sonic, this means I get to support a lot of great SEGA teams – first up is PSO2 which just launched on Steam!”

We here at SEGAbits congratulate Aaron and wish him luck on his new role at SEGA’s Japan offices.

Crazy Taxi: City Rush quizzes riders at New York Comic-con 2014

If you’re a fan of crazy SEGA PR tactics, keep a close watch on Crazy Taxi: City Rush. Throughout October, wrestler Hulk Hogan guest starred in the mobile game, and that same month real taxis with Crazy Taxi branding invaded New York Comic-con 2014 to take attendees to their destinations for free with a bit of comic book and SEGA trivia along the way. This past week, SEGA released three videos showing off their Crazy Taxi trivia cab. Check out the overview video above, and after the break get a taste of a full ride and outtakes.

Also, don’t forget to give the game a download on your iOS or Android enabled device!

Samurai & Dragons gets a crossover with Fate/Stay Night *With other list Sega franchises in card format*

Sega’s Playstation Vita game, Samurai & Dragons, crosses over special guests from the Fate/Stay Night series by TYPE MOON. We have other SEGA franchises represented as cards like the SEGA All-Stars,  Valkyria Chronicles and Shining characters to use during gameplay. Hit the jump for a complete collection of the Fate/Night Stay and the Sega franchises card list.

Play Total War Battles and get free DLC for Shogun 2

SEGA is going to be smart and cross promote the iOS game, Total War Battles: Shogun with the high selling PC title Total War: Shogun 2. So how are they going to do this? If you finish the campaign in the mobile game you will unlock a key-code, which will unlock the Sendai Clan Pack for Total War: Shogun 2 on PC (via Steam).

Sendai will give you +10 diplomatic relations and a 2-turn reduction time surrendering castles, -1 resistance to occupation and lastly -3 unhappiness from other allegiances.  Not bad for it sort of being free, if you buy the mobile version.

Also the iOS game is getting a skirmish mode update soon. This will let you choose a difficulty level and get right into a battle, you will be able to complete the full campaign and use new legendary units. This is for people that don’t want the story in the way of their bloodshed.

Ulala Dancer in Year 2000

I saw this today and thought I would share it with you guys. 10 years ago Sega was promoting Space Channel 5 for the Dreamcast at Universal City Walk in California. I can’t think of a better way to promote a game about a hot dancing space babe… In fact I think all games should be promoted like this!

P.S, I guess it IS cold in space, if you know what I mean… Phwar!

Iron Man coming to HOME this week

Do you like Iron Man? Do you like HOME? Do you like to compete for free virtual items? If you answered yes to all of the above, this post is for you!

Paramount Pictures and AUDI AG will be launching a Iron Man mini-game in their Audi HOME space.  The mini-game has you flying through the air, dodging mines and trying to beat top scores in the leader board.

The game will close on June 2010, if you are on the top 10 leaderboards, you will be awarded a Iron Man suit to keep. Not so talented? If you take the Iron Man 2 quiz in the Audi space, you get a free Iron Man 2 shirt.

[Source: EU Playstation Blog]

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Nagoshi’s Yakuza 4 Hummer Limousine

Since SEGA is getting ready to launch Yakuza 4, why not spend a ton of money on worthless stuff like a Hummer Limousine, yes, exactly what is needed.

SEGA used the big American beast to draw attention, since its a big billboard and drove it around the streets of Tokyo. I wonder how many women Nagoshi can fit in there?

Kazuma Kiryu approved razors

Kazuma Kiryu is a manly  man, who supports manly products like jugs of beer and razors. I mean, Kazuma is the only 6 foot Japanese man and the only Japanese person who grows facial hair.

Kai group is now using Kazuma’s mug to sell their latest razor called “Kai Razor.” He will be used for adverts, retail videos and stands.  I think Kazuma needs his own agent.

[Source: AndraSang]

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Yakuza 4 beer jugs? Yes, please!

SEGA has added a new promo item for their Yakuza 4 bandwagon and that wagon is getting full. Check it out, Yakuza 4 beer jugs, called “Legendary Jugs.” Yes, I love me the jugs.

To get the jugs, you will have to go to the restaurant called Watami and get fliers, scan and see if you win one of the hundred Legendary Jugs. Wonder how much they will cost on ebay?

[Source: AndriaSang]

Win limited edition Ryo Hazuki forklift figurine

Look at that awesome figure, wouldn’t you want to have one? I would! Problem? There are only 75 made. So you should all sign up and hope to get one. If not you can always try ebay and pay way too much for one. Enter the contest here.

Getting that error? Well, I forgot to mention that the contest is only for US residents only.


Yakuza movie coming west, used to promote Yakuza 3?

[Covers sort of look alike, cross promotion?]

Seems the Takashi Miike film titled “Like a Dragon” (the Japanese name for Yakuza series) is coming to America, over here it will be called Yakuza: Like a Dragon. The film cover even looks sort of like the cover for Yakuza 3, only better because the Yakuza 3 cover is uglier; they both share the same Yakuza logo.

Yakuza: Like a Dragon is being released on February 23rd and you can pre-order that here. Yakuza 3 gets a March 9th release date, a must have pre-order.

Nagoshi teases Yakuza 4 demo, says its coming soon

[Watching Kazuma sing is still a bit odd]

Seems that SEGA of Japan is having a retail tour, showing off a demo of Yakuza 4, but what good does that do us? None! But Toshihiro Nagoshi has talked about a PSN demo via his blog, saying it will be coming.

When? Well Nagoshi can’t say right now,  but if it follows Yakuza 3‘s schedule we shall see the demo a week before the retail game is released. Nagoshi has also said that commercials and retail promotional videos for Yakuza 4 are already done.

[Source: AndriaSang]