A new game play trailer for High Voltage Software developed Tournament of Legends.
The game looks a bit like a poor mans Soul Caliber and doesn’t really inspire me.
I feel Sega should have stuck with publishing the Conduit games only. While the Conduit was nothing to write home about, it wasn’t a bad Wii game and sold well enough to be profitable for Sega.
Well, the Wii is a poor man's console so it all evens out! Here's hoping the game delivers.
That phase would actually hold up if the Wii didn't cost more than a Xbox 360 Arcade.
It does! Holy Christmas! Where have I been? Just goes to show how I haven't been following console prices.
I like how Sharky's articles are always mostly just rants.
This game does lok as if it might be a good little fighter, but i have to say its games like this that show the Wii really needs HD graphics. Nintendo seems to have taken 1 step forward and 2 steps back with the Wii, i have had mine since launch and only got 16 games and not even all of them are decent. I just hope some of them motion controls are optional
<blockquote cite="comment-855">
I like how Sharky’s articles are always mostly just rants.
It's a blog, I'm giving my opinion instead of just flat, boring news.
I'm still going to wait for reviews. I'm really interested to see how it turns out in the end. There's always that tiny, remote possibility that it could be a sleeper hit when it goes to the bargain bin (which won't take very long).
<blockquote cite="comment-863">
I’m still going to wait for reviews. I’m really interested to see how it turns out in the end. There’s always that tiny, remote possibility that it could be a sleeper hit when it goes to the bargain bin (which won’t take very long).
It is launching at $30.
So much for 'boring' news.
<blockquote cite="comment-859">
It’s a blog, I’m giving my opinion instead of just flat, boring news.
I'm going to call "WIN" on Sharky's part here.
<blockquote cite="comment-867">
I’m going to call “WIN” on Sharky’s part here.
Except his opinion is just him whining and not mentioning stuff like it being $30 gives everyone the wrong impression about the game.