Late last year I created a Flickr group entitled The SEGA Network Scrap Heap. The purpose of the Scrap Heap is to collect photos of SEGA collections and SEGA things. Since its creation, the group has grown to 17 active members and over one hundred and sixty photos. Not too shabby!
As the group has so many photos to sift through, I thought I’d share five of my favorites. After the break, check out my five favorites and don’t forget to check out the SGNW Scrap Heap yourself and please add to it. The more photos the better!
Viva Sonic Piñata 
My favorite photo is not of a rare game, or of an amazing collection. Instead, it is of a bootleg Sonic piñata. The failure to get Sonic’s face correct and the overly complicated shoes are fantastic. Really, I mean they could have done a white stripe, but instead they made the iconic sneakers more complicated than necessary. Photo by thomviolence, check out the original photo here
Small SEGA Collection 
While not an “OMFG look at that collection” image, I do really appreciate all the original boxes on show. That MEGA CD box is, dare I say, SEXY. Hell, all of the SEGA boxes with big bold shiny lettering is sexy. The activator box… not so sexy. Photo by Rogue Soul, check out the original photo here
Like the piñata, this is an odd but excellent addition. The photo was uploaded in honor of Shenmonth, an event I held last May. Photo taken by Ewan Bellamy aka A Moomintroll, check out the original photo here
Complete PAL Dreamcast Collection 
Damn! If I had to upload one epic photo, it would be this one. Apparently, every PAL Dreamcast game is on display here. Wow. Photo taken by Jammy2049, check out the original photo here
I am the Eggman 
I uploaded this one. The photo was signed by the current voice of Eggman, Mike Pollock. I have to chuckle every time I see this, just because I got Mike to write “I am the Eggman”. Want Mike’s autograph? You can get it free by visiting his site. Also, you can check out the original photo here.
Do you have photos of your own SEGA collections? Don’t be afraid to join up and add them!
i love the Peanuts one, we should make a 'do it yourself' kit where you can download the A button, text box and time and people can make their own Ryo holding object screenshot.
Make it the meme of the year!
But yes, I agree, great idea! I'll pop that on the to do list.
I prefer Deem Bristow over Mike Pollock any day but damn that picture is funny.
Does he send the signed photographs for free?
This is a nice list but my fav part was the link to were i could get a autograph of mike. thanks alot for that!