Swingin’ Report Show #17: GamesCom Super Duper Episode

Germany held their GamesCom this year. None of us got to go, but that doesn’t stop us from talking about it. We discuss the newest SEGA news, talk about the latest topics our readers suggested, and is Sharky drunk?


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11 responses to “Swingin’ Report Show #17: GamesCom Super Duper Episode

  1. Crazytails says:

    Assassins creed brotherhood gets better as you progress. The best thing about the game compared to previous games is that all the content in the game (exploration/sidequests) is actually fun, whereas in the previous games everything beside the main story was boring

  2. Crazytails says:

    Oh yeah and AKI is right. All the classic stages we’ve seen now for the 3ds, have had t he exact same layouts as the classics. The physics do look better than the HD classic sonic imo.

  3. Crazytails says:

    Sorry for the triple post guys. I just wanted to give props to the one who decided to put the shining force 3 music at the end. What a beautiful piece.

  4. I’ve only listened to part of it so far, but I can tell you my house is white. I’ve never lived in a green house.

  5. Thanks for doing my question. If I find Chris again, I’ll convince him to buy Bubbleghost or E.T.

  6. max_cady says:

    Great podcast as usual, guys. I’ll keep providing you with topics and interesting questions as best as I can.

  7. Max, on the podcast they pronounce your name like the guy who carries golf clubs, but to me it should rhyme with lady. Who is right?

  8. ribbitking17 says:

    What music fest did you go to George?

  9. ribbitking17 says:

    Very cool. I saw Eyehategod and Black Breath last time they played Chicago. How was Trap Them? Ive seen them three times and everytime it is a snorefest.

  10. George says:

    The crowd was into them, they did a fine job at playing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB2NrYg7fnk <-- from the event.

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