Well this is a surprise! SEGA Blog has revealed concept art from Sonic 4 Episode 2, and this time it’s not a palm tree! From the sound of it, each Friday two pieces of concept art will be revealed. One on the SEGA Blog and one on SEGA’s Sonic Facebook page. I have to say, I’m impressed! Sure they’re not jaw dropping, but they’re original. A blue tube thingy and a cute hermit crab badnik. What a nice way to end each Friday, keep ’em comin’ SEGA!
Edit: Now that I look at it, I realize that the blue tube thing is probably that spinning gimmick from Marble Garden. Original? Maybe not, but I loved the sound they made when you bounced on them.
Gotta catch them all.
…. something looks familiar
Oh wow. *Excitement meter goes up
The hermit crab really is cute. I’m a fan of hermit crabs IRL, so it’s going to be hard to destroy them.
Don’t worry, he’s evil.
You’ll actually be freeing the real animal (rabbit or bird) inside. Sonic games are pretty deep.
I’m digging the colors here.
The badnik isn’t very original either, while the design is a bit different a very similar badnik appeared in Sonic CD: http://eggmanempire.sonicworld.net/gameinfo/UNKNOWN.gif
Yeah, I do see the resemblance. Little shell creature, spikes on top. But I do give them credit for making it more different than the past Sonic 4 badniks. I hope we see the end of Bubbles.
He shall be known as “Pokeball face”.
Well, considering Pokemon debuted in 1996, and Sonic 4 takes place after Sonic 3 which released in 1994, that places Sonic 4 at around 1995, pre-dating Pokemon. So really, a pokeball should be called a hermit crab head.