SEGA teases big Yakuza reveal for May 24th

Looks like big things are a-comin’ for Yakuza fans. First noticed by Andriasang, the official Ryu Ga Gotoku website has been updated with a simple little animation, one which recalls past Yakuza installments while, at the end, teasing something new for May 24th.

With the Tokyo Game Show not being held until late September, it will be interesting to see whether this is going to be a major reveal or just a tease, or, come to think of it, whether this will indeed be Yakuza 5 or the announcement of another spinoff.

Stay tuned.

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3 responses to “SEGA teases big Yakuza reveal for May 24th

  1. Crazytails says:

    Yeah this is what im talking about 🙂

  2. Ali says:

    Yes, thats what Im talkin about too.

    Enough, kissing SONY’s ass cuz:

    1-There is no Kiryu Kazuma or any other Yakuza refrence in PLAYSTATION BATTLE ROYALE

    They did not pay their respect to Yakuza franchise as a PS exclusive, as a title like MGS4
    , Uncharted or Heavy Rain which made many to buy a PS3.

    2-Xbox & Nintendo could help the sales of Yakuza in west more than SONY, its not late yet…
    Make Yakuza 1-2 HD Collection maybe along with HD versions of PSP games (somethin like what Namco did with MGS HD) or at least port them to PSN, XBLA and maybe Wii (not sure about this one cuz its almost dead) then re-release Yakuza 3-4 in one PACK for X360, Wii U, PS3 & PC.

    3-Same for MUE, yes! do not forget Shenmue multiplatform,

    And for GOD’s sake, after this one…
    go for Shenmue with same team+AM2,
    Yu Suzuki’s co-op with Nagoshi san.

    Cuz Yakuza may gets annoyin rather than welcoming.

    I do not recommend you to wait for
    PS4 and X720 for Shenmue.


  3. Ali says:

    Hey I correct myself.

    *not something like what Namco did with MGS HD collection.

    I meant Konami, lol sleepy xD

    , Alimn

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