SEGA has recently announced that PuyoPuyo Tetris, the crossover action puzzle game that combines elements from PuyoPuyo and Tetris, will be released physically on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms. The game is set for release on December 4, 2014 for 5,480 yen ($54 in US).
If you’re a PlayStation 4 owner, you can import the title by making a Japanese PSN account. Here are some useful tutorials on how to make a Japanese PSN account here. There are more SEGA titles available to enjoy (take a look at our previous news article on the re-release of Phantasy Star I & II remake) on the Japanese PlayStation Store.
At least it’s possible to digitally “import” this version… But this option is not available for the WiiU/Xone owners

I wanted to play this game
You can import physical copies for PS4 and Xbox One. Region free on both consoles.
“will be released digitally on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms” … Uh! In the official Japanese website is written exactly the opposite, namely that the PS4/XOne versions of the game are only available -Packaged- .
Kori forgive me if I correct you, but it’s only for an accurate information, as you are usual provide too
I thought the game was a digital-only release.
Good to know there’ll be physical copies… The Xbox One is region free, I’ll look for its version.
There are too many versions of the same game. I think I own two of them already. One for MD and PCE??? PCE has some speech and extra graphics while the MD version has plenty of action. I mean it is the same exact game ( asides the “mean bean machine” and “Kirbys Avalanche” ).
Speaking of which. The same thing happen to Bubble Booble when it was ported to the GBA. They installed a bunch of different graphics. You know what I mean.
I mean yeah the next next next generation of this and that. Yeahhhh….
I fixed it Deefy, thanks for the heads up.