Win a copy of Valkyria Chronicles for PC!

Valkyria Chronicles Segalization Giveaway

The PC port of Valkyria Chronicles has been a success for both the fans and Sega. In celebration of the franchise’s second wind in the West and our recent one-year anniversary as a website, Segalization is giving away five digital copies of the PC port of Valkyria Chronicles on Steam! For more details on the contest and to participate, just follow this link to our entry form over at Segalization. Winners will be determined on December 7th at 7:00 PM GMT / 2:00 PM EST, and they’ll receive the code via e-mail or through a gift on Steam in the following days. Good luck!

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4 responses to “Win a copy of Valkyria Chronicles for PC!

  1. Fernandeath says:

    Segalization? Is it better than segabits ?

  2. Kolma says:

    Thanks for the link Segabits I won 😀

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