Craft Lab creates a Sonic the Hedgehog statue using chicken bones

If you have never seen the YouTube show Craft Lab, the premise is that a Hollywood production designer named Greg Aronowitz (Jurassic Park: Lost World, Terminator 2) takes unconventional materials and makes works of art based on pop culture icons.

On this episode it was decided that they would create a Sonic the Hedgehog statue made with chicken bones. Its pretty interesting and came out pretty awesome, so check out the video above.


3 responses to “Craft Lab creates a Sonic the Hedgehog statue using chicken bones

  1. Skateboard says:

    Disgusting! Chicken bones? Not cool!

  2. InfinityAlex says:

    His arms are a blue. WHY?!

  3. Jam says:

    They actually had the height right at first if they were going for Sonic Boom…

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