SEGA News Bits: Has SEGA of America moved in with Atlus USA?

During the summer, SEGA of America closed their San Francisco offices and moved to Southern California. Oddly, SEGA had been pretty quiet when it came to revealing the exact location of the office, but after a little digging we may now know where they ended up! Based on various sources, it appears that SEGA has moved in to the existing Atlus USA offices in Irvine, California.

In this SEGA News Bits, Barry and George share how they came to this conclusion and give their thoughts on this development. As a bonus, enjoy a slideshow of pictures taken when Barry visited SEGA’s San Francisco offices in 2013, and check out the original SEGAbits Visits SEGA of America, Inc. articles here: Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 

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12 responses to “SEGA News Bits: Has SEGA of America moved in with Atlus USA?

  1. matty says:

    So basically the remains of SEGA West moved into the broom closet of Atlus USA headquarters lol
    I dunno dudes, maybe you should register the domain Atlusbits now.

    BTW, I love these SEGAbits bite-sized bits! I enjoy your podcasts but this is a nice way to get my Berry and Geroge fix!

    • Thanks! George and I found that its a lot easier to do these for 10 mins at a time when news hits, rather than running down a list for an hour every two weeks (the old Swingin’ Report Show format). News Bits + an interview focused SRS seems to be the best combo.

  2. Gen says:

    Don’t want to sound a doom monger here especially with this news being potentially good news for Sega as a whole, particularly in the west, but you know it’s bad when it takes Sega to buy a whole well loved company like Atlus in order to find themselves or at least how they should’ve been when conducting business in the west, and then try to merge themselves within it.

    Maybe this was Sega’s big plan they were talking about a few months ago when lamenting their poor past 10 year track record.

  3. tara says:

    I don’t see this as a bad thing at all, it’s obvious Atlus has done a better job at marketing their franchises in the past recent years, something Sega could learn from them.

  4. dikkster says:

    You just never know. Maybe sega will remain in japan. And it will completely vanish in the west. And sonic will be an atlus localised game. It is far from impossible

  5. Ryan says:

    Honestly, I just don’t want sonic to go away. I really hope his games and his legacy will still be here in the US.

    • Bit, says:

      Lettt’s just hope they don’t rush the new sonic game’s even generations was hyped up to be bigger that what it is but unfortunately they rushed it and cut most of it’s content out.

  6. dikkster says:

    While many love to hate sonic. I love all the sonics except sonic boom and sonic drift. But still i even appreciate those 2 im happy they exist

  7. Oscar Lupton says:

    Sega’s website also lists 250 East Olive Avenue, Burbank, CA as their US headquarters. Considering that you had an interview with Aaron Webber and he said they moved to Los Angeles, and that Burbank is a suburb of Los Angeles, it seems they have their own headquarters.

    • Barry the Nomad says:

      This is actually Marza Animation’s offices, though it is rumored that there is a Sonic brand management presence there as Marza will be animating the upcoming movie. From what we know much of SEGA’s work is being done out of the Atlus building.

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