In an interview this week Atlus CEO, Naoto Hiraoka told Famitsu of the company’s plans for 2016 and beyond:
“In 2015, we were able to develop existing IP like Persona 4: Dancing All Night and Etrian Mystery Dungeon. In 2016, starting with Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir, we plan to release a large number of titles. In the summer, we’ll launch the long-awaited Persona 5. Of course, in addition to that we have several unannounced titles. I have no doubt this will be a year Atlus’ popular series all gather together.”
Exciting news! So what do we already know about Atlus’ line up in 2016? So far they have the following games set to release: Odin Sphere Leifdrasir , Persona 5, Shin Megami Tensei IV: Final, and Etrian Odyssey V. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say there might be more Persona and Shin Megami Tensai spin-offs in the works. What I am hoping for? Catherine 2!
I would cry tears of joy if they announced Catherine 2. One of my favourite games ever.
A successor to Catherine would really make my day. That would be great. I’d like to see it properly integrated into the Shin Megami universe, as well.
Nah. I think it would be another fighting game by atlus.
I Wish they make another dark spire game
Ummmm. Didn’t Etrian Odyssey 2 come out already?
You caught is slipping, I took it out of the list. Thanks for the heads up!
Any love for Europe this year except for Odin Sphere?
While Catherine 2 would make my dreams come true, I actually hope they re-release it on current gem consoles, give it a bit more of a push. Those we know of it all seem to adore it, but too many have no idea it exists. £10 on PSN, for example, and test the water for a hopeful sequel one day.
Current gen*
Those who know of it*
Catherine 2 !