Yakuza 6 full demo playthrough now available for your viewing pleasure

People who bought Yakuza: Kiwami were given demo codes for Yakuza 6 and sure enough one of those lucky fans have uploaded a playthrough for the up and coming Kazuma Kiryu simulator. In it we can see a whole host of new features added to the series and it seems that loading of any kind has been done away with. Yakuza 6 is stated for a Fall 2016 release exclusive on Playstation 4 in Japan.

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3 responses to “Yakuza 6 full demo playthrough now available for your viewing pleasure

  1. Radrappy says:

    Those seamless transitions between cutscenes are seriously impressive. It’s that kind of touch that truly makes Y6 feel next gen.

    Wish I could say the same for the combat. Correct me if I’m wrong but this player appears to be getting by perfectly fine by just mashing the two attack buttons ad nauseam?

  2. Ben says:

    The demo likely takes place early in the game.

    That said, I personally am not really getting my hopes on an evolved combat engine. Though I’d be stoked if they did.

  3. Harlemknight116 says:

    I can’t wait for this!

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