Tokyo Game Show 2016 revealed a new trailer for Valkyria: Azure Revolution, the latest installment in the Valkyria franchise by Media.Vision and SEGA. This trailer focuses on the story of Valkyria: Azure Revolution, with the story being about a nation discovering a special material called Ragnite, the source of “Magic Arts” that brought many blessings to the world, creating the titular “Azure Revolution”. But this revolution would come at a cost, as the Rus Empire gains rapid industrial and societal expansion, creating a monopoly in European territories.
The only thing that can stop the Rus Empire is Jutland, a small economically blockaded country that strives for independence from the colonel rule. The trailer highlights varies characters you will encounter along the way, such as the protagonists Ophelia and Amleth, The Circle of Five (Aka Five Grand Criminals), and the Valkyria Brunhild. However no gameplay is shown.
Valkyria: Azure Revolution will release on the PS4 on January 19, 2017 in Japan.
Hmm… Looks like 3D anime rather than hand drawn canvas style…
What do you think?
I think it looks really pretty. A lot of games seem to have a 3D anime look at the moment such as Fire Emblem, Valkyria Chronicles, Persona 5, and Xenoblade Chronicles X (Xenoblade X a bit less).
I still need to see more gameplay but I’m getting a Dynasty Warriors/Hyrule Warriors vibe from it. Hope it comes west but it seems like it would take a lot of effort to localise.