As 2016 comes to a close, George and Barry name their favorite SEGA games of the year as well as their honorable mentions. While 2016 didn’t see many, if any, true big budget blockbuster titles from SEGA, there were still several great games to be found. Find out which games we liked, and in the comments below tell us YOUR favorite SEGA game of 2016!
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I wish you guys would rank the releases for the year and do a build up before your reveal of the #1 game. I love your opinions and would like to hear a bit more.
Keep up the good work
Thanks for watching! To be honest, there just wasn’t enough in 2016 to warrant a ranked list. Plus, personally, I find ranking games to be difficult because I like different games for different reasons. Sometimes I’m in a platformer mood, other times I’m in an RPG mood or an arcade mood.
Hey watch it
Are you going to do a favorite segabit atlus game?
For next year plz let the whole staff segabits choose his or her game of 20..
Because i love to hear what kinda games there are playing.
(Keep up the good work and i see you in 2017 happy new year)
We actually did do an article featuring our writers sharing their favorite games including an Atlus pick:
Here’s hoping 2017 brings us enough to do more of a list! Happy New Year to you too, two more SEGA News Bits video are coming soon.
Ah i see, miss that one out then.
But still for next year plz do record a podcast with the remaining crew ( spice things up)
And i am looking forward to the next segabits news.
Warhammer Total War??