SEGA AM2’s Border Break leaves arcades, heads to PS4

SEGA announced today via a live stream that the long running SEGA AM2 developed arcade game, Border Break, would be coming to PlayStation 4. Finally! The third-person mecha action arcade game hit the scene way back in September 9, 2009 and since then has had over 16 huge updates. The latest one being called Border Break X Zero, that came out earlier this year.

Border Break will be a free-to-play game download and also get a physical release over in Japan. Of course, this was just announced via a live stream so we don’t know if this game would make it over to the States. Since I’m a massive SEGA-AM2 fanboy, I of course, really want this game to come out over here. The first Beta for Border Break starts next month, so it seems this port has been in the works for awhile! What a great surprise.

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7 responses to “SEGA AM2’s Border Break leaves arcades, heads to PS4

  1. TDixpix says:

    Virtual On re-imagined for multiplayer? I sure hope that this sees a Steam release. I have a custom built arcade with twin sticks that I’m super eager to use with more mech-arena fighters.

  2. I_Miss_Sega_of_Old says:

    Knowing Sega, it’s not coming stateside.

  3. Trezell Lorenzo says:

    Sega should start bringing some anime style games to the west.

  4. Tdixpix says:

    I’m beginning to think that the company’s run by a boardroom full of drunk rappies.

  5. Fab News, been hoping for this for years

    • Deefy says:

      Same here, TA, hoping that the game will be successful so that it can pave the way for other conversions, like Soul Reverse etc…

      That said, I’m happy already now.

  6. SkyBlue says:

    If knowledge of Japanese isn’t too bad then I may import it.

    Although SEGA should localise it and see if it sells well.

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