Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers board game Kickstarter launches

A new officially licensed Sonic the Hedgehog board game has just hit Kickstarter, titled Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers. Developed by Shinobi 7, the board game sees 2-5 players using re-painted miniatures to race past Badniks and bosses, while collecting rings in a sprint to the finish. While the game will see a commercial release outside of Kickstarter, there are bonuses to entice collectors. The bonuses, however, come at a cost as the only tier is $100 + shipping.

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Backers will receive the base game which includes figures of Sonic, Tails, Amy, Knuckles and Eggman, profile cards, agility cards, boss cards, track sections, tokens, reference cards, an exclusive Super Sonic figure, 40 exclusive badnik miniatures featuring buzz bombers, crabmeat, moto bugs and spinners and all unlocked stretch goals. It will be interesting to chart the progress of this campaign, as some might balk at the price point.

Personally, it seems like a fairly reasonable price given the price point of other miniature based board games I’ve seen in the past. If you pass on this, there will always be a lower priced retail version, though you miss out on some bonuses but the game plays the same. Learn more by checking out the official Kickstarter page.

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2 responses to “Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers board game Kickstarter launches

  1. itsstillthinking says:

    The whole campaign has significantly changed in the past day. Much more appealing now

  2. Brianzilla2004 says:

    The campaign has been updated quite a bit since you published this article. There are now three tiers:

    Racer Pledge

    Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers Box not including Freebie Stretch Goals.

    Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers Base Game
    KS Exclusive Super Sonic Racer

    Pledge $100 or more

    Super Pledge

    Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers Box including all unlocked Freebie Stretch Goals.

    Shipping is NOT included in the cost of this pledge. See “Shipping” for details.

    Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers Base Game
    KS Exclusive Super Sonic Racer
    10 Buzz Bomber Badnik Miniatures
    10 Crabmeat Badnik Miniatures
    10 Moto Bug Badnik Miniatures
    10 Spinner Badnik Miniatures
    All unlocked Freebie Stretch Goals

    Hyper Pledge

    Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers Box including all Optional Buys and all unlocked Freebie Stretch Goals.

    Sonic the Hedgehog: Battle Racers Base Game
    KS Exclusive Super Sonic Racer
    10 Buzz Bomber Badnik Miniatures
    10 Crabmeat Badnik Miniatures
    10 Moto Bug Badnik Miniatures
    10 Spinner Badnik Miniatures
    20 Plastic Rocks
    Metal Sonic Mechanical Madness Expansion
    Infinite Metropolis Expansion
    Vector Large Racer Expansion
    E-123 Omega Large Racer Expansion
    Big Large Racer Expansion
    All unlocked Freebie Stretch Goals

    Also, ALL stretch goals met are now Freebies.

    I’d argue that the top tier is quite a steal if all of the stretch goals are met. All of the level expansions, and most of the additional playable characters. Heck yes!

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