Breaking news! Alex the Kidd is BACK! On this SEGA News Bits, George shares his thoughts on this newly announced game, Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX, releasing to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC!
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Interview with the developers (they do not have sega license) :
Edit: they didn’t, it’s was two years ago
I don’t like the character art in the YouTube thumbnail
Why is everyone getting so hung up on the art style? I think it’s fine. Heck you can even toggle the older graphics style.
I think it looks awesome. Miracle World was one of my favorites on the SMS and I can’t wait to play this.
I want to see an Ecco revival. For all the ocean-based games available, nothing has gone close to striking the atmospheric notes the early Ecco games did. You put that IP in the right hands for gameplay design, get the original composing talent on board (I believe part of the original team made a project pitch on kickstarter a few years back), and you will have something special.