Sakura Wars the Animation to receive an English Dub from Funimation

Sakura Wars the Animation, the animated sequel to Sakura Wars (2019), will be receiving a full English dub of all 12 episodes on Funimation’s website starting tomorrow (Feb 2nd). The series follows the division as they face a renewed demonic invasion and deal with a tournament, all while working to keep their beloved Imperial Theater open and operating. Here is the full English voice cast of the Sakura Wars the Animation dub:

English Voice Cast

Sakura: Cherami Leigh
Anastasia: Stephanie Young
Azami: Sarah Wiedenheft
Clarissa: Amanda Gish
Elise: Emily Neves
Hakushu: Luci Christian
Hatsuho: Amber Lee Connors
Kamiyama: Ian Sinclair
Kanzaki: Michelle Ruff
Kaoru: Monica Rial
Klara: Lindsay Seidel
Komachi: Tia Ballard
Lancelot: Felecia Angelle
Leyla: Terri Doty
ADR Director: Stephen Hoff
Mix Engineer: Rawly Pickens
ADR Scriptwriter: Terri Doty

Note that one of the voice actress, Michelle Ruff, is returning her role as Sumire Kanzaki from Sakura Wars: The Movie. What are thoughts on the cast for the animated series, do you think we’ll see the cast return for a new Sakura Wars game in the near future? Let us know in the comments below!


One response to “Sakura Wars the Animation to receive an English Dub from Funimation

  1. Ricerictwice says:

    I watched the subbed version, I might watch it again dubbed if this comes to blu-ray.

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