Engineer discovers “Blue Sky Burn-In” issue, prevalent with all Sega games; issues precautions (April Fools)


I don’t wanna alarm you, Sega fans, but I must inform you that Sega games have, for many decades, been damaging our eyes and our TV sets all along. A shocking discovery was just made by retro game engineer Salporoifl of an issue in which all Sega games, with the exception of any Atlus games pre-SegaSammy acquisition, can potentially burn a perpetual blue tint into your TV, monitor, or even your eyesight, if left playing for too long. Salporoifl has called this issue the “Blue Sky Burn-in” effect. (This also includes any Sega games not published by Sega, such as Streets of Rage 4) If you’re too careless in your Sega gaming sessions, blue, blue skies will be all you see.

Precautions have already been figured out, so check in after the break to find out how you can protect yourself and your displays.

The good news is that you would have to leave your Sega game on for several hours on end to see a significant change, but chances are you have done that many times already if you’re a regular reader of Segabits. Salporoifl has not found any solution for affected displays, but recommends you immediately contact your optometrist and get your eyes checked. Even if you don’t see a significant increase in the color blue everyday, chances are the effects are early enough in their progression that they may only be subtle, but they will worsen over time as you play more Sega games. You can read even more about the issue on Salporoifl’s blog.

We have reached out to Sega for a comment on this issue, but have not gotten a response yet. Keep it here at Segabits for updates as they come in. In fact, on a related note, be sure to follow Segabits on Bluesky Social. I am constantly hounding Segabits heads Barry and George to post there now that the site is finally available to the public, so I promise you will see some posts there soon, unless of course your Blue Sky Burn-in has reached a point where all you see is blue.

Were you or one of your loved ones affected by the dreaded Blue Sky Burn-In? Let us know in the comments below, especially if you learn more about how to reverse the damaging effects.


One response to “Engineer discovers “Blue Sky Burn-In” issue, prevalent with all Sega games; issues precautions (April Fools)

  1. Zoyous says:

    People always tell me I view the world through Sega-blue-sky-tinted glasses!

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