ESRB Rates The House of the Dead 2: Remake for Nintendo Switch

The upcoming second remake of the classic arcade horror rail shooter set to be released by Forever Entertainment and Microids has been officially rated on the ESRB website with an M rating featuring the usual blood and gore.

Here is the description from the rating summary:

“This is a rail shooter light gun game in which players assume the role of an agent in search of a missing colleague in Venice, Italy. From a first-person perspective, navigate through the city while using pistols to shoot and kill zombies and mutant creatures. Killing creatures often results in decapitation and/or dismemberment, with large blood-splatter effects. Combat is often fast paced, accompanied by gunfire, screams of pain, and large explosions. A handful of sequences depict civilians attacked and killed by enemy creatures.”

With the game being officially rated on ESRB, we may not have to suffer like G did as The House of the Dead 2: Remake might be just around the corner. Once an official announcement trailer releases, we will be sure to cover the news here!



8 responses to “ESRB Rates The House of the Dead 2: Remake for Nintendo Switch

  1. Defender says:

    These western remakes of Japanese classics never quite capture the charm of the original.

    • Miles and Cosmo says:

      Sadly I agree. Despite that however I still thoroughly enjoyed the remake of the first one. Hope this one’s even better! Though personally I really wished we got at least the original versions of the first 4 released years ago. That and the re-release of the out run sequels, after burner 2 and climax, dynamite deka/die hard arcade, the first four virtua fighters, and even sonic the fighters for crying out loud! sadly alot of these games won’t be able to be re-released for the foreseeable future due to imo pretty archaic licensing bs. never say never… but still… sigh 😕

    • DCGX says:

      They’re always fighting nostalgia, but it didn’t seem like SEGA gave them much of a budget for the first HOTD remake either.

    • Julian Hazeldine says:

      Sega had no involvement, either creatively or in budget terms. Forever Entertainment just purchased the rights to develop and publish a remake.

  2. Caledonian SP says:

    If it is a Switch exclusive then no thanks, tired of hearing about the switch and this Americanised fetishism about it. it’s an over-rated and underpowered hardware by Nintendo of all people.

    And what on earth happened to the Panzer Dragoon Zwei remake? suddenly gone quiet about it.

  3. Ren says:

    Switch again?! as if Banana Rumble was not enough. Sega just keeps taking the L’s.

  4. Me says:

    Great, another garbage “remake” by a studio known for Teddy Floppy Ear Mountain Adventure and Garfield Kart WOWEE
    Sega should really get their sh*t together and start making their own games again. How many franchises must end up ruined before they learn? Why even destroy the legacy of the originals with this low budget garbage made by mobile developers? THOTD1 Remake was AWFUL and anyone pretending otherwise is coping or lying to themsevles, the developers clearly only had a very surface-level grasp of the original game (if they had any grasp at all). Not to mention the original THOTD was likely made on a smaller budget and certainly by a smaller team. There is no excuse.

  5. Zoyous says:

    Regarding the Panzer Dragoon Zwei 2 remake, the last I heard the developer said they’re still working on it. Basically something to the effect of, “Unless you hear us announce that it’s cancelled, it’s still in development.”

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