The arcade version of Golden Axe (1989) has now been ported to the Neo-Geo family of systems by h0ffman. This comes a couple of weeks after their homemade port of the arcade version of Shinobi (1988) to Neo-Geo, and the Golden Axe port was handled in much the same way. Now that their Golden Axe port is completed, it is now available to download for free from their page and ready to run on Neo-Geo AES, MVS, and CD hardware.
Unlike with their Shinobi port, they’ve added some extra special features to this new Neo-Geo port. You’ll find more information, along with a download link, right past the break.
Here are a couple of extra features available in this Neo-Geo port, taken from the page.
- Support for MVS / AES and Neo Geo CD systems
- Original arcade difficulty settings
- Game region selectable (World / JP and selectable FBI warnings)
- Special Neo Geo CD soundtrack supplied by Richard Douglas ( )
- Full MVS support including multi-slot game switching and credits
- SoftDIP settings available on AES and NeoGeo CD from title menu
- Files supplied to support most flash cart solutions, real hardware and emulators.
And here is the page where you can download the game. There, h0ffman has written down more detailed information about how he put together this port, such as sourcing all the sampled voices from the 80’s movies they originally came from like First Blood and Conan the Barbarian in order to get higher quality samples to play in-game than in the original System-16 game.
What do you think of this news? Are you a fan of Golden Axe or the Neo-Geo? How is the Neo-Geo port, if you’ve tried it out? Give us a high quality shout sample in the comments below.