SEGA Talk #160: Yakuza 3 (2009)

We talk about Yakuza 3! Okinawa, conspiracies, and Kiryu’s toughest fight yet! We’re breaking down the box art, the writer change, and the wild story: yakuza, CIA, and an orphanage under attack. Combat’s revamped, mini-games galore, and we’re tackling the controversial cuts. Was Yakuza 3 a hit or a miss? All this and more on, SEGA TALK!

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One response to “SEGA Talk #160: Yakuza 3 (2009)

  1. Caledonian SP says:

    Is the beardy guy with the moustache with an age problem serious? complaining about the guys ages at around 39 mins in. I’d far rather that than have the Yakuza series be turned into just another young runts game about young street punks, the director himself has said the whole point about what makes Yakuza what it is is that it has a more mature masculine theme to it, and despite ghag, it has a disproportionately high amount of female fans as a result, and other younger gamers are more attracted to that aspect as a result, the games own directors at Sega has said part of the appeal of Yakuza is that it is about older and middle aged guys doing middle aged guy stuff.
    if you want young runts, I’d recommend just sticking to Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis, there isn’t a middle aged or boomer NPC in sight.

    I’d rather Yakuza stay Yakuza, not get destroyed by woke Americanised new age woke folk trying g to morph it into what they believe it should be.

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