The wait is almost over to see the Hero of Yokohama Ichiban Kasuga join forces with Dave The Diver. The Ichiban’s Holiday DLC expansion for Dave The Diver will become available on April 10th, 2025 and will be the first paid DLC released for the game. The price has not yet been revealed as of this writing, but it will be available on all platforms that Dave The Diver is currently on, which is PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and Steam (For Windows and Mac). A demo is also available for the Nintendo Switch version, if you’d like to try Dave The Diver before buying.
Now for the bad news. Ichiban’s Holiday, like other crossover DLC the game has seen besides the Dredge Content Pack, will only be available to purchase for just six months. It will be delisted in October 2025. Anyone who buys it before then will be able to play with it as long as they want, but it is sad that it doesn’t even get to stick around for a whole year. And they say video games aren’t facing a preservation crisis.
The developers of Dave The Diver have also provided a video showing a more in-depth look at what you can expect to see in Ichiban’s Holiday. You can scope that out past the break.
The above video details what Ichiban will be up to at the Bancho Sushi sushi restaurant, including the new karaoke minigame, Like A Dragon side characters that can be hired to work in the restaurant, and Ichiban and Cobra’s fight against dolphin poachers in a Streets of Rage style beat-em-up stage. (No co-op, unfortunately) They also talk about about how developer Minirocket was able to get in touch with RGG Studio and strike a deal for Ichiban to join the game.
Just remember, Ichiban’s Holiday will only be up for sale from April 10th, 2025 to sometime in October 2025. If you don’t have Dave The Diver, but plan to buy it sometime, you may as well buy the DLC on whichever platform you plan to experience the game on once it becomes available.
Have you played Dave The Diver? (I have and I recommend it) Are you excited to see Ichiban Kasuga meet Dave and the Bancho Sushi crew? Does the DLC’s very, very, very, very limited availability put any damper on that excitement? Sing about it in the comments below.