SEGA releasing a new console named SEGAone? Nope

I’m surprised that I have to do this, but since this website is leading people to believe that SEGA has a new console, I have to actually do this. The site even made it to the front page of N4G.

First of all, the Sonic Adventure 3 logo is using the Japanese Sonic Unleashed logo. Actually the whole thing looks really badly photoshopped. But also if you look at who registered the domain, its not SEGA. Its someone who lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. Oops.

Don’t fall for stupid shit like this.

[Update] I wasn’t going to post the name of the person who registered it. But it seems he is a writer for the website “GameplayToday.” Here he is, with all his Starship Trooper love.

He updated the thread telling people that it will be his “SEGA site” and confirm the obvious, that its fake. Sorry, but if you are going to make a SEGA blog or site, don’t start off by using lies to promote it. [/update]

Yakuza & Phantasy Star developers love Heavy Rain

Sony’s big budget story driven game gets love from SEGA’s Masayoshi Yokoyama (Yakuza 4) and Satoshi Sakai (Phantasy Star series), who confess that it is their favorite game released last year. Not only that, Sakai adds that he also enjoyed Call of Duty: Black Ops and Monster Hunter Portable 3rd.

Atsushi Inaba (from Platinum Games) said his favorite game last year was Mario Galaxy 2. I always keep on forgetting that the game came out last year. Just seems like it’s older!

[Source: Andriasang]

Ninja Gaiden III producer calls Bayonetta outdated

Bayonetta was awesome, developer Platinum Games wanted to set a new bar for action games and I think they set it high. What does producer Yosuke Hayashi think?

“Bayonetta has some good stuff but Bayonetta is old, game design wise, already.”

For Ninja Gaiden 2 fans, he says that the game was also outdated. Is he correct? A bit. Hey Yosuke Hayashi, you know who used to talk crap about the competition? The old head of Team Ninja, Tomonobu Itagaki. Have to say, it’s a pretty outdated tactic.

[Source:Play-Mag via SEGAShiro]

Game Informer: Sonic Reborn fake review

The latest Game Informer (issue: 216) has a parody section called “Game Infarcer” that features great news like “Japanese Developers won’t shut up about how much Japanese development sucks” and how Activision shuts down every studio.

Yes, its not to be taken seriously. I thought some of you guys would enjoy the fake review of ‘Sonic Reborn’ which of course is a fake game.

Facebook considered a blue hedgehog mascot in early days

It isn’t new for software companies to use an animal to promote their products. Even as I type this, I’m looking at a orange fox hugging a blue globe (firefox). So it’s no surprise that the Facebook creators had a similar idea:

“True story: in the very early days of Facebook, Sean Parker wanted to make Facebook’s mascot a hedgehog. We had early plans to build a local business program around each college on the site (a Yelp-like service similar to what later became Facebook Pages). As part of that, Sean wanted us to send each participating business a little blue stuffed hedgehog. Matt Cohler and I even sourced a couple companies to make them.Sean actually wanted us to get a real hedgehog for the office. Turns out they aren’t street legal in California, or something, but I guess he found a way to obtain one in Nevada. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your affinity for hedgehogs) Sean couldn’t convince any of us to drive there to get one.”

The local business program was shelved mid 2005 (we decided a revenue product wasn’t as important after the Accel financing), and Sean let his dream of the hedgehog go with it.

This would have probably ended up with SEGA suing them and them making a sequel to their hit film, The Social Network.

[Via: TSSZNews]
[Source: LAtimes]

Virtua Fighter 2 MD Perfect Port for iPhone

You know, being a SEGA fan is hard some times it feels like the company enjoys screwing with their fans as illustrated by the Genesis Perfect port of the AM2 Classic for iPhone.

We weren’t going to report this but UK-Resistance news post changed our mind:


Happy, Sad, Indifferent, Confused, Annoyed that Sarah Byrant’s tits won’t be as nice in 2d.

Funny, UK-Resistance Sega news reporting at it’s finest.

Check out their awesome coverage on the new NiGHTS  INTO DREAMS game, brutally honest.

SEGA France sends out Sonic 20th anniversary anti-aging cream

Check it out, SEGA France has sent people Sonic 20th anniversary branded….. anti-aging cream. Yes, so basically no hints on the upcoming projects. I guess this is suppose to suggest that this is Sonic’s secret in looking so young. I thought 20 years old was considered young?
I don’t know, making sense out of anything the French do is too much trouble. For some weird reason I want one of these.

[Source: Sonic Stadium]

Pakistani McDonalds Ad Featuring Sonic Heroes

Kotaku Wrote:

You may have seen these cheap LCD games offered as McDonalds Happy Meal toys before. They’ve been run in several territories around the world. But you’ve never seen them advertised like they were in Pakistan.

Back in 2004, what must surely be one of the world’s least popular McDonalds outlets tried a unique method of selling the Sonic games: making an animated commercial that looks like it was made by a 12-year-old. In 1994.

Oh, and Rouge the Bat is naked. Creepy.

I have a few of these McDonald games still lying around (they were given away free with Happy Meals, I suppose that is the drill across the world), I don’t remember seeing this advertisement though. The advert has surprisingly poor production values and is entirely the fault of McDonalds, since SEGA has no presence in our country. This commercial marks the first and last time a SEGA game (or endorsed) product was marketed and distributed in Pakistan.

For Kotaku’s information, McDonalds is comparatively more popular in Karachi than it is in America, I am not sure but we definitely have more than 20 McDonalds outlets in my city alone.

Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik for Real

I am the Eggman by Great-OHARU

Fans like to bring their favorite characters to life, We at SegaBits have all imagined realistic incarnations of our favorite characters although only few fans are capable of animating their imagination.

This is a job well done by Oharu, however Robotnik is human and a very realistic incarnation of him exists in Sonic 06 (which this art piece appears to be based on).

Hit the jump for real life Sonic the Hedgehog

Big Man Japan – This is Sega Related

So to cut a long story short, my friend stopped over at my house the other day, with DVD in hand. Raving about this ‘great movie’ we just had to watch. It’s called ‘Big Man Japan’ I knew nothing about it at the time and now that I’ve watched it… I’m still not convinced I know anything about it.

But I do know that this scene is awesome. Enjoy!

If this is relevant to your interests. It’s called ‘Big Man Japan’ and it is subbed in English.

Get Yakuza PSP tracksuit for only $900 bucks

Did your parents tell you to shop for some Christmas clothes, then give you a blank check? This could be your payback for them making you clean your room.

The prototype for the tracksuit is straight out of the Yakuza PSP TV show, so it has been tested for its punching power. The clothes is being designed by DressCamp and will run you ¥42,000 (US$499) for the top piece and ¥35,000 ($416) for the equally ugly pants. Yep, coming to about $900 bucks. How ballin’?

I wonder what the designer for the movie Crow Zero has to say, since you know, they basically ripped off the design.

[Via: Kotaku]

Gran Turismo 5 used to have a Yakuza 3 ad

Gran Turismo 5 was suppose to have a nice Yakuza 3 advert, what happen? It got delayed, so much so that Yakuza 3 turned into a faint memory and SEGA moved on to Yakuza 4 and the upcoming zombie game. Oh, now the team is doing Binary Domain.

Now that Gran Turismo 5 is out, it has been reported to have sold 2.4 million copies in 4 days. SEGA should have taken them on the advert offer for Binary Domain and Yakuza of the End.

[Source: AndriaSang]

Sega Invites Destructoid Over For Cake

Sega continues to heckle Destructoid over Jim Sterling’s review of Sonic Colours by inviting Jon Carnage to Sega of Americas HQ and awarding Destructoid with a 4.5 cake.

Jim Sterling gave Sonic Colours a 4.5/10 while the average score was around the 8/10 mark amongst other (better) critics.

Recently Sega also sent Jim Sterling a review copy of Sonic Colours DS with a picture of Sterling depicted as a troll stuck to the cover. Not satisfied with that, Sega also sent him a giant poster of Sonic Colours after his (pretty terrible) review hit the net.

I think Sega have handled a rather poor review pretty well, showing they have a sense of humour and taking a few digs at Destructoid along the way. If anything I think it shows good faith in their product.
Well played Sega.