Round Table: Our favorite SEGA heroes

We all have heroes that we look up to, since we here are big SEGA fans, we also happen to have SEGA heroes. I decided to make this article a bit more intresting and allow anything SEGA. This includes workers, game characters or marketing icons.
As always you can share your thoughts in the comment section.

Round Table: Our favorite SEGA Soundtracks

After you spend hours in your favorite SEGA game, you always get those damn catchy tunes stuck in your head. They won’t go away, now we will share our favorite SEGA soundtracks, hopefully they stay stuck in your brain like they have ours.

If your favorite soundtrack wasn’t featured, make sure you head down to the comment section and share.

Round Table: Our favorite SEGA sequels

There are always big new IPs that are amazing, but then comes the sequel and improves that game to legendary status. We here at the staff have decided to list our favorite SEGA sequels of all time.

If you have a favorite sequel not posted by us, share it in the comments section.

Round Table: SEGA IPs that could make great social games

Social games seem to be the hot thing right, every company is doing them and most are having a big success. SEGA even has their own social gaming site, with some pretty neat flash based games.

But they don’t really use their old IPs, outside of Sonic, for their games and they are really just ‘flash games’ and not very social like Yakuza Mobile or Shenmue City. What SEGA games do we want to see become social games? Hit the jump and yell at us in the comment section.

Round Table: Our favorite SEGA Xbox 360 & XBLA games

You might not know this, but this month, the Xbox 360 turns 5 years old. That is half a decade that the machine has invaded our homes. Sure, it was a rough start, but now Microsoft is a big player in the home console business, selling (so far) about 45 million units.

But what SEGA games are worth getting on the console? We, the SEGAbits staff, give you our favorites. You give us your favorites in the comment section!