Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack updated with Golden Axe II, Alien Storm, Columns, and Virtua Fighter 2

On Thursday, December 15th, Sega has added 4 more of their own Genesis classics to the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack online subscription service. Alien Storm, Columns, Golden Axe II, and Virtua Fighter 2 are immediately accessible after updating the Sega Genesis – Nintendo Switch Online app to it’s latest version. Japanese players get the same four games in their own update as well, and this is despite the fact Virtua Fighter 2 Genesis did not originally release in Japan. (Although it was developed by Sega of Japan.)

Of course, these four games are all some of the usual mainstays in Sega’s many Genesis compilations, including the Sega Genesis Classics Collection also available on Switch and other consoles, (Golden Axe II is also on the recently released Sega Genesis Mini 2) so chances are many of you are already quite familiar with these games. If you still wanna hear me ramble on about what these games are, then make yourself comfy and check in after the break.

SEGA News Bits: SEGA Astro City Mini Arcade Revealed

SEGA has just announced that they’re releasing a SEGA Astro City Mini Arcade machine, watch as George and Barry go through all the news we know so far including size, amount of games, confirmed games, accessories, and much more on this extra sized SEGA News Bits episode. Let us know what you guys think of the SEGA Astro City Mini Arcade  in the comments below.

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SEGA announces Astro City Mini Arcade, To Get 36 Classics

Out of the blue SEGA Toys has announced the Astro City Mini Arcade via a interview with Game Watch Impress in Japan. You can read the interview where they talk about a lot of the Astro City Arcade cabinet history which was a cabinet released only in Japan so forget about this coming to the States (Hey, Sega!).

Some of the confirmed titles already include:

  • Alien Syndrome
  • Alien Storm
  • Golden Axe
  • Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder
  • Columns II
  • Dark Edge
  • Puzzle & Action: Tant-R
  • Virtua Fighter
  • Fantasy Zone
  • Altered Beast

The cool thing about these titles is that this will be the first time Dark Edge and Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder will get home releases! According to the interview this project started at SEGA back in 2018! It has also been confirmed that SEGA-AM 2 legendary composer Hiro will be making the sounds for this Mini console. There will also be support for HDMI out, microswitch joystick, replaceable balltop and even support for external controllers. The device will be pricey coming in at 12,800 yen ($119 USD), but according to the interview its made out of the same material as the actual cabinet. What do you guys think?

[Edit: Looks like Game Watch took down the interview because it was accidentally shared early. Oops.]

Alien Storm Spanish fan translation now available for SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive and Master System


Hola SEGA fanaticos! ¿Quieren jugar Alien Storm pero en español? Well, I got some good news for you my Spanish speaking friend, Rom Hack fan translator Wave has now translated SEGA’s Alien Storm into Spanish. Not only did he translate the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive version, but he also completed the SEGA Master System version as well.

I have also attached some screenshots of the translated text below for you to gander at. I love sharing these fan translations and hoping we get more in the near future.

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