SEGA Talk #158: Sonic & SEGA Theme Parks

This week on SEGA Talk, join George and Barry as they embark on a whirlwind tour of SEGA’s fascinating history with theme parks! From the ambitious SEGA World Sydney, dubbed “Australia’s Interactive Disneyland,” to the futuristic Joypolis centers in Japan and beyond, we explore the rise and fall (and sometimes rise again) of SEGA’s ventures into themed entertainment. We’ll delve into the unique attractions, the iconic logos, and the stories behind parks like Centre Sega Paris, Festival Disney, SEGA Arena Taichung, SEGA Republic in Dubai, and the ill-fated SEGA VirtuaLand in Las Vegas. Did you know SEGA even had a presence inside Disneyland Paris?

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Golden Axe arcade game now ported to SNK’s Neo-Geo

The arcade version of Golden Axe (1989) has now been ported to the Neo-Geo family of systems by h0ffman. This comes a couple of weeks after their homemade port of the arcade version of Shinobi (1988) to Neo-Geo, and the Golden Axe port was handled in much the same way. Now that their Golden Axe port is completed, it is now available to download for free from their page and ready to run on Neo-Geo AES, MVS, and CD hardware.

Unlike with their Shinobi port, they’ve added some extra special features to this new Neo-Geo port. You’ll find more information, along with a download link, right past the break.

Shinobi arcade game ported to SNK’s Neo-Geo; Golden Axe arcade port coming soon

Mock cover art by Pedro Soares

The Sega arcade classic Shinobi (1988) has just been unofficially ported to the Genes- sorry, I meant the Dreamca- wait! No! It’s been ported to SNK’s Neo-Geo system. That sounds like a first.

Yes. Hobbyist developer h0ffman has just brought Shinobi to the Neo-Geo system by seemingly disassembling the original arcade ROM to make their own source code and then converting it to run on Neo-Geo hardware just to see if they could. They first got the game running from a physical CD on a Neo-Geo CD console and have since released versions that run on that as well as the Neo-Geo AES and Neo-Geo MVS. What’s more, they’re also currently doing the same with Golden Axe (1989), though they have not yet finished that port as of this writing. For now, you can download Shinobi and try it on your favorite Neo-Geo emulator or any Neo-Geo hardware you may own.

For download links, sneak on in past the break.

RGG Studio programmer Hitoshi Iizawa receives excellence award for Model 2/3 emulation in Like A Dragon games

Esteemed Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio programmer Hitoshi Iizawa is being given an excellence award at the latest CEDEC, or Computer Entertainment and Developers Conference, in Japan for his work on emulation of Model 2 and 3 arcade games in the Like A Dragon series. This news was shared yesterday on Twitter by Lost Judgement director Yutaka Ito and is also being shown on the CEDEC website’s top awards list. Yutaka Ito’s tweet was also transcribed by known Twitter translator Gosokyuu.

Here’s what the CEDEC had to say about this honor on their website, translated to English:

The committee commended the expertise and uniqueness of the efforts to reproduce games for dedicated arcade hardware at the dawn of 3DCG games, as well as the fact that through the commercialization of these games, past arcade games that were often buried in the past were brought to the attention of today’s players.

Ito also had more to say about what went into the development of the emulation for these games and the difficulties of it on Twitter. You can read more about that past the break.

SEGA Talk #141: Virtua Cop (1994)

On this episode of SEGA Talk we get lock and loaded into the criminal underworld of Virtua City and break the case of SEGA’s 1994 revolutionary light gun shooter Viruta Cop, we look at its history, ports and legacy it left behind. ALL THIS AND MORE ON … SEGA TALK!

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SEGA Talk #140: Gain Ground (1988)

On this episode of Sega talk we discussed the 1988 arcade classic Gain Ground. How did this game Translate to the Mega Drive and Master System? Does the game have memorable characters and a story? What Legacy has it left? We discuss all this and more on Sega Talk!

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Homebrew Saturn port of X-Men arcade gets updated demo, adding 3-player co-op and playable Storm

Remember the homebrew port of the 1992 X-Men arcade game for Sega Saturn being worked on by hotrodx? They just came out with an all-new version of their demo adding Storm to the playable roster, as well as 3-player co-op and a new 2nd stage.

Might as well cut to the chase. Check in past the break for info on the update as well as a download link.

SEGA Talk Podcast #133: SegaSonic The Hedgehog (1993)

Let’s spin that trackball as we join franchise star Sonic the Hedgehog and newcomers Ray and Mighty as they try to escape Eggman’s fortress. We take this wild trip down memory lane looking at this obscure Sonic arcade game!

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Homebrew port of Konami’s X-Men arcade game being worked on for Saturn; playable demo now available

Arcade flyer scan courtesy of

We’ve talked al lot about homebrew developers porting games to Genesis/Mega-Drive lately, so lets switch things up with a homebrew Saturn port this time. Developer hotrodx is working on converting the 1992 X-Men arcade beat-em-up by Konami to the Sega Saturn and now has a demo ready for the public to try out.

X-Men is one of the most beloved arcade classics of all time and one of the shining examples of classic beat-em-ups, right up there with Sega’s own Streets of Rage series, but somehow the game never received an official home port on any game console in the 90’s. Decades later, it would finally receive official home ports to PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2010, an iOS port in 2011, and its own Arcade1up home arcade cabinet in 2011. Only the latter is still available, as the digital-only 2010 port was removed from the PlayStation Store and Xbox Live Marketplace in 2013 with the iOS version going away in 2014.

The port is early in development, with the demo available as of this writing being version 0.1.1. The demo only consists of the first stage and gives you access to only two characters: Wolverine and Cyclops. Developer hotrodx also has a message displayed in the demo saying that they’re not using any source code derived from the original game and are, instead, eyeballing the whole game, trying to match the arcade game’s feel as much as possible. It sounds difficult, but based on this demo, they seem to be on the right track, but you can try it with an ODE such as a Fenrir, Satiator, or Phøde on real NTSC Saturn hardware and judge for yourself.

The download link will be past the break, along with a video of the demo in action.

Japanese porn video includes an unexpected tour of an early 2000s arcade

Twitter/X user @suddendesu stumbled upon a Japanese porn video titled 超ハード変態娘 変態羞恥感じる露出女!!(roughly translated, it’s “A super hard perverted girl. An exposed woman who feels perverted and embarrassed! !”). How he stumbled upon it? I won’t judge, I’ve found my fare share of video game related gems in weird old Japanese porn videos (Google “Cosplay International” for some real weird Space Channel 5 content).

Rare 1980 SEGA Samurai arcade cabinet found and restored

This is an odd story. An arcade auction in Texas ended up auctioning off a rare 1980 SEGA Samurai arcade cabinet without even being aware of it. Patrick Scott Patterson, who reached out to us to share the news, was bidding on a Mr. Do! arcade cabinet that was a converted SEGA Samurai cabinet. Because nobody was aware of the cabinet’s past life, Patrick was able to win the machine easily. Throughout May 2023, Patrick stripped off the forty year old paint to reveal the artwork for Samurai. Once the project was completed, Patrick had himself a Samurai cabinet with all the lovely artwork intact.

SEGA in the Media: Ellie plays Daytona USA in HBO Max’s The Last of Us

Its a video game inception post! In episode seven of HBO Max’s The Last of Us (which, believe it or not, is based on a video game), our lead character Ellie has a flashback episode remembering her time with an old friend where she was taken to an abandon mall which happens to feature a full set of working arcade machines. Aren’t they lucky? Ellie then bursts out that the arcades are “the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen”.

The episode shows Ellie trying out her driving skills on Daytona USA before they continue to play Mortal Kombat II, while it isn’t a SEGA video game, it was pretty prolific game on the SEGA Genesis. They also have the original Tetris machine which has a history with SEGA, as the Japanese rights for Tetris Arcade used to belong to SEGA.

Any other arcade machines you guys noticed during this episode?

Rare English version of SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter ROM released publicly online

Everybody loves a good dump, especially when it comes to ROMs. Twitter user @iamamazing100 has announced that a rare English version of the 1993 arcade game SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter has been dumped and is now publicly available online. The game is not playable just yet, as it must be added to MAME, however @iamamazing100 has shared the audio files which showcase a very funny Superman style voice for Sonic the Hedgehog as well as Eggman’s voice, which oddly is more befitting for Sonic. It’s great to see that after 30 years we still are seeing new old Sonic content being uncovered!

Once the game is playable on MAME, we’ll be sure to news it! 

SEGA Talk #102: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing (2010)

Buckle up because on this SEGA Talk, we put the pedal to the metal and hit the road to talk about Sumo Digital’s Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing! What are the origins of this racing franchise? What characters didn’t make the cut? What is a Bentley Jones? Click play and find out!

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