The Weekly Five: SEGA PSP games that should be ported to PS3

SEGA has had some highly rated games released on the PSP, sadly mostly everyone outside of Japan has decided to ignore the platform. Sony recently announced the ‘PSP Remasters’ series. Games from PSP ported over and enhanced on the Playstation 3.

One of the first games to get this treatment has been Monster Hunter Freedom 3, which looks great. I decided to put together 5 games that deserve the PSP Remasters treatment.

Get Yakuza PSP tracksuit for only $900 bucks

Did your parents tell you to shop for some Christmas clothes, then give you a blank check? This could be your payback for them making you clean your room.

The prototype for the tracksuit is straight out of the Yakuza PSP TV show, so it has been tested for its punching power. The clothes is being designed by DressCamp and will run you ¥42,000 (US$499) for the top piece and ¥35,000 ($416) for the equally ugly pants. Yep, coming to about $900 bucks. How ballin’?

I wonder what the designer for the movie Crow Zero has to say, since you know, they basically ripped off the design.

[Via: Kotaku]

Japanese charts: Vanquish still charting, at least on PS3

SEGA had three titles appear in this weeks Japanese charts. It was the top 50 and the highest charting game was the PS3 version of Vanquish, which dropped ten spots and is now 14th place, selling 14,042 units. Adding last weeks and this week, gives the game a total of 62,360 units. Not counting the 360 version, which dropped off the top 50 chart this week.

As for the other two titles, Black Panther: New Yakuza chapter  came in 30th place, with K-On! After School Live!! just below it, placing 31.

full chart, hit the jump.

Toshihiro Nagoshi is now on TV

Toshihiro Nagoshi, producer for the Yakuza series and Super Monkey Ball games is now a TV star. Well, he is a guest star on the TV show for Black Panther Yakuza New Chapter.

Nagoshi stated on his blog that he will not be a regular on the show, only appearing in some episodes.

This is the first time that Nagoshi has appeared in a TV show, but he has been on TV before. If you recall him being in the Sony Playstation 3 advert.

[Thanks: Knuckles]
[Source: AndriaSang]

Famitsu reviews Yakuza Portable

Yakuza’s first game into portable gaming gets reviewed by Famitsu? All the Yakuza games have gotten high ratings, did Black Panther: New Yakuza Chapter go down the same path?

Surprisingly, yes it did. Famitsu rated it 9’s down the board (9/9/9/9), not perfect but pretty damn close. Now we will see what they think of the upcoming Yakuza zombie game.

[Source: NintendoEverything]

SEGA TGS: 3 unannounced game slots!

SEGA will be streaming their press conferences via UStream, thus they have a schedule. You know, so you can call in sick at work to watch Nagoshi pimp out some Yakuza games. But that is not all, there are three press conferences that say ‘coming soon’.

One of those ‘coming soon’ confrences lands on September 16th and if you saw that Valkyria Chronicles 3 teaser last time, you will know it said “Not to be open till 9.16”.

My guess is that the three games will be Valkyria Chronicles 3, Red Entertainment’s newest project (Sakura Wars 6?) and Sakai’s PSO 10th anniversary project (PSO2?). Hit the jump for the Ustream schedule.

SEGA’s TGS 2010 line-up confirmed

SEGA has let their ‘official’ line up out of the bag, of course, they have a surprise or two they don’t want to reveal yet. This is their ‘expect to be there’ and playable games.

  • Vanquish (PS3/360)
  • Virtual On Force (360)
  • Sonic Colors (Wii/DS)
  • Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity (PSP)
  • Black Panther New Yakuza  Chapter (PSP)
  • Shining Hearts (PSP)
  • K-On After School Live (PSP)

Of course they will most likely have a new Phantasy Star related product (anniversary game?) and for sure the new Yakuza PS3 game.

[Source: Joystiq]

Download the Yakuza PSP demo now!

4Gamer has the link to download the upcoming Black Panther: Yakuza New Chapter demo. The demo clocks in at 192mb and is obviously all in Japanese.

You don’t need a PSN account, just go here and scroll down till you see what you see above. Click that button, download and enjoy.

Yakuza PSP lets you collect cats and Idol cards

Early in Black Panther: New Yakuza Chapter (prologue) a man will ask you to find him 101 cats. So when you play the game, you will be able to hear cats, if you investigate and find them. You can bring them back to their owner and get a cash reward. Feels good not punching someone in the face for money!

As for Idol cards, when you are walking around Kamurocho you will be approached by Idol managers who want to promote their upcoming Idols. They will give you promo cards, each Idol has 6 cards. Each Idol is a real girl, who are also trying to become an Idol in real life. Sounds a bit sexy.

[Source: Andriasang]

Yakuza PSP razor promotes manliness

SEGA is going to have ‘retail specific’ promotional items for Black Panther: New Yakuza Chapter. The above razor is the bonus item for Bic Camera, a Kurohyou Original Kai Razor.” This one is a sample razor by Kai.

Shops like Geo, Joshin, Tsutaya and WonderGOO will be getting cards with DLC codes on them. The art on them is pretty awesome as well.

What DLC does the cards have? You are going to have to hit the jump to find out!

Black Panther: New Yakuza Chapter trailer #2

Today the new Black Panther: New Yakuza Chapter trailer goes up on the interwebs. It shows off some of the cutscense that remind me of the Metal Gear Solid PSP games. The guys at AndriaSang have translations and in-depth info.

If you fast forward some more it will show the fighting, multiplayer and even the mini games. Something I never understood about games like this, do they hire someone to do the punching sound effect? Why is the sound effect so comical? I mean, no one really sounds like that when they are being punched!

[Source: AndriaSang]
[Thanks: Charmy699]

Get your limited Yakuza PSP edition signed by Nagoshi

Toshihiro Nagoshi, producer of the Yakuza series, is  a pretty awesome dude. So awesome that the new  bundle for his Black Panther: New Yakuza Chapter game will have his name on it, literally. It will be signed by Mr. Nagoshi himself. The limited edition version will be called “Toshihiro Nagoshi Produce Premium Box.”

It will also come with a UMD with the theme song’s music video, different artwork than the retail game,  Yakuza branded cloth, and a woman looking purse to hold your PSP. Seriously, looks like a woman’s press, check out the pics below.  The limited edition will retail on September 22nd for ¥9,429 (standard edition will cost ¥6,279).

[Source: Famtisu via AndriaSang]

Work at Ramen shop in Black Panther: New Yakuza Chapter

Tatsuya will be able to get jobs, to earn money. One of the jobs recently revealed is working at a Ramen restaurant named Kyushu Ichibanboshi.

Famitsu screenshots reveal that the part time job will be a rhythm mini-game. You will be behind the counter, facing the screen and buttons will scroll across. Press the button, Tatsuya puts the ingredient in the ramen. Simple.

SEGA has already signed 3 real life models for their Hostess part of the game. Those are Yuu Tejima, An Nakamura and Aya Hoshi. An Nakamura is even shown pole dancing in one of the screens. I wonder how long you have to work at making ramen to get some of that action?

UPDATE: Scans after the jump!