All the Phantasy Star Online 2 information from the conference

We have showed you the trailer that SEGA showed off. That trailer has all the new features shown, so once you read about the features here, head over and re-watch it.

  • You can have a team of 12, though you will be split into 4 smaller teams to keep the feel of PSO.
  • The PSO2 alpha testing kicks off in Japan in August.
  • PSO2 now allows you to jump and jump attack (already known).
  • PSO2 allows a TPS like system for Rangers. Lets say, you can aim at an enemies head for extra damage.
  • Levels (still random generated) will have parts that people can get on higher ground for more damage. Especially for Rangers.
  • You don’t level up like before. Instead you level up your class and have new abilities unlocked.
  • PC game will support both controllers and keyboard/mouse.

The game is planned for PC later this year in Japan. SEGA says more information will come in the Tokyo Game Show. Check out the official website for the game here.

[Source: AndriaSang]

All-Star Racing iOS Hands-On Videos

Courtesy of TouchArcade, The Appera and IntoMobile come a collection of hands-on Sonic & SEGA All-Star Racing gameplay videos. The game looks quite impressive for an iOS title, especially one that seems to be for all platforms and not just the beefed up iPhone 4 and iPad. Despite being only a pre-alpha build, impressions have been positive!

After the break, check out two more videos featuring B.D. Joe in Tokyo-to, a look at Blizzard Castle and a tour of the menus.

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7th Dragon developer teaming up with SEGA again

[Teaser image for upcoming game]

Imageepoch Inc. had a huge conference in Japan where they announced a bunch of titles. How many is a bunch? Like 8 titles, not including the SEGA published one. Now that is a ton of work. They also announced they are ‘publishing’ titles now. But just because they are publisher, they aren’t a developer for hire.
If you remember 7th Dragon, a DS RPG that never made it to America, released in 2009. Well, they developed it. They announced they have another RPG to announce and SEGA will be publishing. The game should be out in the middle of 2011 (So spring/summer?). When the announcement was made, the over world theme of 7th Dragon was playing, could this be a possible sequel?

Most likely the title will be announced for Nintendo’s 3DS platform, since SEGA said they had 6 3DS titles planned for 2011. Will we get this one in America? Maybe.

[Via: The Forums]