Five SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive Games Get Added to Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pass

Five more SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive games are being added to the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack service. These five games are Altered Beast, Toejam & Earl, Sword of Vermilion, Thunder Force II, and Dynamite Headdy. Out of the five games, Thunder Force II is probably the most notable, as it was skipped over in favor of its two sequels Thunder Force III and Thunder Force IV with stuff like the SEGA Genesis Mini or the SEGA AGES series, until now. All five games are the same across every region, and are available now for anyone that uses the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack Service.

SEGA Talk Podcast #77: Dynamite Headdy (1994)

On-stage Rampage! The curtain is raised, and the Treasure Theater Show begins. SEGA Talk returns, this time talking about Treasure Game’s cult classic title Dynamite Headdy on the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive. Some say this dude has the coolest head on stage, so we will break down what makes Headdy so dynamite on this episode of SEGA TALK!

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Final 12 Mega Drive/Genesis Mini Lineup Revealed Including Darius MD and Tetris, Accessories

It’s the last 10– no wait… 12! Yes, the last 12 games set for the SEGA Genesis Mini and the SEGA Mega Drive Mini in all territories. SEGA has recently showcased on their most recent livestream the remaining games in the collection along with some other tidbits on accessories you can purchase for your miniature system including a carrying case as well as the ability to “dress up” your system in the tower of power with an attachable (non-functioning) SEGA CD and 32X units along with miniature cartridges of Sonic 1 and Sonic & Knuckles (Actual games not included) to your system. The last two games, Darius MD and Tetris appear as special bonus games. Darius’s inclusion is notable in that this conversion was never before produced and the mini system features official support from the Tetris Company to include the ultra rare Mega Drive conversion of SEGA’s Arcade Tetris.

[Source: SEGA of America Twitter, SEGA Mega Drive Mini Livestream]

Click below to reveal the last remaining titles in the line up as well as pictures of the accessories shown during the livestream.

Treasure’s Dynamite Headdy joins the SEGA Forever lineup

The SEGA Forever lineup expanded today, with the release of Treasure’s Mega Drive classic Dynamite Headdy. The game is free to play on iOS and Android now! Released in 1994, Dynamite Headdy is best known for its Mega Drive release (which is what you will find in the SEGA Forever version), however it was also released to the SEGA Game Gear and brought to the Master System in Brazil. A 32X port was planned but cancelled.

In other SEGA Forever news, Golden Axe and Altered Beast will be receiving local multiplayer updates today. This feature works on both free and paid versions.