7th Dragon 2020-II For Sony PSP Gets English Fan Translation

As you already know that SEGA has only localized one of the four released 7th Dragon games from Japan. That one was the last one 7th Dragon III Code: VFD on the Nintendo 3DS. But if you didn’t already know the game debuted back in 2009 on the Nintendo DS with 7th Dragon (translated here), then 7th Dragon 2020 (translated here) on PSP and then comes this newly translated title 7th Dragon 2020-II. Obviously 7th Dragon 2020-II is a direct sequel the previous PSP game and its recommended you play that first.

If you guys didn’t know 7th Dragon was requested by most hardcore SEGA fans due to the involvement of big named SEGA creators including producer Rieko Kodama (Phantasy Star, Skies of Arcadia) and composer Yuzo Koshiro (Streets of Rage, Etrian Odyssey). I love these sort of fan translation projects because lets be honest, there is no way that these past three 7th Dragon games will get localization in the west especially considering that the Nintendo DS and PSP are both obsolete.

[Source: Romhacking]

Vixen 357 English fan translation released

vixen 357 english fan translation

Strategy game enthusiasts should rejoice – a Vixen 357 English fan translation was released earlier this month. You can download the latest patch for the game over at Romhacking.net.

Vixen 357 was released for the Japanese Sega Mega Drive in 1992. This strategy game features grid-based battlefields where you fight with in or out of giant mechs. You gradually build an army of the giant robots which are key to decimating your opponents. Losing a crew member in battle faces a harsh punishment, as they remain dead for the rest of the game unless you reload your save.

Anime-inspired still cutscenes such as the ones seen in Phantasy Star IV tell the story in between battles.

Vixen 357 was developed by Masaya, the same company behind Sega classics like the original Assault Suit Leynos and Langrisser games, among many others. Now you can patch the original game and try it out in your favorite emulator or load it on your flash carts and see what we missed out on.

English Sega Saturn Policenauts fan translation released

English Sega Saturn Policenauts fan translation header

An English Sega Saturn Policenauts fan translation has been released today, which is certainly not the October surprise you were expecting to be excited about.

Policenauts is a graphic adventure game that follows in the footsteps of Konami’s Sega CD cult classic Snatcher. Several years ago, an English translation patch was released for the PlayStation version of the game. Which was nice, but what most of us wanted was for the Sega Saturn release of the game to get the same treatment.

The Japanese Sega Saturn port of Policenauts contains all of the same content as the other editions of the game, but with a number of improvements. Most notably, the anime cutscenes run at 24 frames-per-second, while it’s PlayStation counterpart chugs along at just 15. In addition, it features more dialogue and scenes, less censorship, bonus videos after the game is completed, and an alternative credits sequence. It also features light gun support if you still have a handy Virtua Gun and old CRT TV to play it on.

The translation team has already made the game region free with the patch, so all you need to do is patch your game and load it up. You’ll be good to go and finally be able to experience this lost Hideo Kojima classic.

Head on over to Policenauts.net to download the patch and instructions.

Phantasy Star Generation 2 gets full English fan translation

PhantasyStarGenerationPart2The Phantasy Star fansite pscave.com has finished fully translating the Japanese only Phantasy Star Generation 2, which is a remake of the SEGA Genesis/Megadrive JRPG Phantasy Star II. This (and the first Generation game) was part of the Sega Ages 2500 series of remakes that got released on the Playstation 2.

Version notes: 

“This version is an open beta. Many pieces of equipment and techniques have had their names revised from their previous incarnations. Namely, many appeared to be German words spelled phonetically in Japanese (i.e., “Nish” is was actually spelled in Japanese as “Harnisch” which is German for “Armor.” Thus, it was decided many techniques will not be seen as they were in previous games like PSO or earlier. This was a collaborative effort with the members of the PSCave forum. A document noting specific changes for reference will be provided with the translated ISO (CRC32: C10FD10C) and the patch.”

You can always download the full English translated ISO of the game here. According to PSCave, the original game was distributed on CD and not DVD, so if you’re going to burn it to play on a modded Playstation 2 then burn it on CD. You can always play it on PCSX2 emulator, which is a lot less of a hassle.

Rent A Hero English translation finally released

SEGA AM2’s Action RPG, Rent A Hero, has been fully translated to English and released by the hard working of hackers from Rom Hacking Dot Net. Pretty much finishing what Edison Translation Group left off with only one section of the game translated.

Now gamers can finally get their hands on Rent A Hero from start to finish in English language for the first time ever.

Rent A Hero focuses on a teenager named Taro who has recently moved to Aero City along with his family and receives a armored suit. When he wears the suit, he becomes Rent A Hero, a hero for hire keeping the world at peace and payed for his heroic deeds.

For screenshots of Rent A Hero in English. Click the jump below!

Iwakura Productions to Fan Translate Sakura Taisen on PC

Iwakura Productions, known for their work on numerous Japanese fan translated games, has taken charge of translating SEGA and Red’s best selling dating sim/tactical role-playing game, Sakura Taisen (Sakura Wars in the West) to English. The project is currently being worked on by three people and will have a brand new translation with no prior scripts to be used or referenced. So far, the game’s script is 1/12th finished. If anyone would like to volunteer for the translation project, click here and send comment to the project lead. For screenshots of the game in english, be sure to hit the jump!

Cavespeak releases a English patch for 7th Dragon

SEGA released 7th Dragon way back in March 5th, 2009 in Japan on the Nintendo DS. The game flew under most people’s radar, but not for me. I kept my eye on this one just because it was produced by legendary SEGA designer Rieko Kodama (Phantasy Star series and Skies of Arcadia).

That wasn’t the only big name SEGA star on the project, famous SEGA composer Yuzo Koshiro (Streets of Rage series, Shinobi series) joined the team.

Want the patch? Head over here.

Not sure if it means much but Famitsu scored the game a 9/8/8/8 (33 out of 40).  

Valkyria Chronicles 3 Fan Translation Makes First Release


Christmas came…on time apparently. The group behind the fan translation of Valkyria Chronicles 3 has put out their first release on Christmas day. Its not complete, but at least about 90% done. It is only compatible with the Extra Edition that can also be patched with a copy purchased and downloaded from the Japanese store. Further instructions and the patch itself can be obtained from their website.

The release has gone off to a slightly rocky start due to some ISO patching issues which have since been fixed, but congratulations to the team for keeping the project going for it’s dedicated fan base.