Key art revealed for upcoming 3D Golden Axe game showcasing main characters and enemies

The new SEGA game news keeps coming today as we have a fresh look at the upcoming 3D action adventure Golden Axe! Unlike Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi, Golden Axe has a brand new logo and potentially could be using simply the name Golden Axe as the final title. This would made sense, as the series has not seen a new game in a number of years and only the arcade original and Genesis/Mega Drive port have used the name. Also revealed is key art of the main cast and enemies including the dreaded Death Adder. While the characters look a little too “World of Warcraft” for my tastes, they do retain the look of the classic trio with new twists. It is likely this is either a reboot or a sequel set years later starring a new cast, as aside from the dwarf looking like Gilius Thunderhead, the male and female look a bit different from the Ax Battler and Tyris Flare fans remember.

SEGA News Bits Live: New SEGA Games Announced + Trailer Breakdown

SEGA revealed five games currently in production from classic franchises, and on this SEGA News Bits Live your boy Barry “Yo yo!” the Nomad breaks down the trailer and details new information from SEGA on this initiative!

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