SEGA Talk Podcast #33: Guardian Heroes (1996)

Barry and George kick off 2020 talking about the SEGA Saturn classic Guardian Heroes! What inspired Treasure to make the game? How do you mix beat ’em up gameplay with RPG elements? How does the HD remaster play? Click play and find out!

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Xbox Live Arcade version of Guardian Heroes gets Xbox One backwards compatibility


Guardian Heroes was a cult classic SEGA Saturn game by the development studio Treasure, an arcade style beat em’ up in a similar vein to Golden Axe or Streets of Rage, but with RPG elements such as the ability to level up and increases your stats. Later it would receive an Xbox Live Arcade update, fundamentally being the same as the SEGA Saturn original, but including optional enhanced graphics with a stylized pencil sketch look and tweaked gameplay changes using “remix” options, and new features such as online play and an endless survival gauntlet mode.

If you haven’t played the remastered version of Guardian Heroes but have an Xbox One, the game has been recently been announced to be Xbox One backwards today, along with the game Operation Flashpoint: Red River, as confirmed on the Larry Hyrb Twitter account. If you want a solid beat ’em up game on the Xbox One, Guardian Heroes might be up your ally.

The SEGA Five: Best SEGA games on the Xbox 360

Today is the launch day for the Xbox One in America, and as people head to stores to pick up the latest console, the Xbox 360 officially becomes a “last gen” machine. Last week George named the five best SEGA titles to grace the Playstation 3, and seeing as how I’m the site’s Xbox guy, I thought I’d do the same for the Xbox 360. As with George’s list, these are my personal picks, so feel free to add any titles in the comments section!

SEGA Five: Why I’m Glad to be a SEGA Fan

Here in America, we just finished celebrating Thanksgiving and went through hell with Black Friday. Now I’m sitting here putting together a list of why I’m glad to be a SEGA fan this year. It seems that SEGA hardly gets the credit they deserve for some of the things they do, but when they do something wrong everyone notices. So why am I a SEGA fan?

Reminder – Guardian Heroes is up on XBLA Today!

One of the best side scrolling games of all time has finally landed on XBLA, Guardian Heroes is a side scrolling beat’em’up with RPG elements made by the sprite masters of the 90’s, Treasure!

Guardian Heroes on XBLA has been given a HD makeover with new magic effects and online multiplayer. Best of all it will only cost you 800 Microsoft points whilst a mint condition copy of the game for Sega Saturn could set you back over $100 dollars!

It’s a freaking steal and having had it since I woke up this morning I can safely say it’s well worth the price of admission! So go on, treat yourself to a great game. Not to mention if enough interest is shown in the game Sega/Treasure has said they would like to make a sequel! DO IT!

Check out some Guardian Heroes wallpapers and avatars

Fans of SEGA’s up and coming Guardian Heroes can look forward to multiple avatars to select from. The publisher will be releasing costumes and items based on all the main characters from Treasure’s SEGA Saturn classic. If that is not enough for fans of the title, SEGA will be giving out a SEGA Saturn T-Shirt for 80 Microsoft Points.

The publisher has also released multiple wallpapers for people to appreciate the art from the game. SEGA is looking to release Guardians Heroes is set to release next week on the 12th October internationally exclusively for Xbox Live Arcade. Click on the link below to check out all the goods available for purchase and download.

[Source: ]

Treasure planning to make Guardian Heroes 2

Speaking exclusively to Eurogamer, Treasure have revealed they are planning on making a sequel to the classic SEGA Saturn title. Originally they had hoped to create the sequel from the get go however SEGA wanted the revitilize the IP before they started working on the sequel. Speaking Eurogamer, Treasure’s Hiroto Matsuura said;

“Originally, the project started as Guardian Heroes 2, the team that had been working on Sin & Punishment [last year’s Wii sequel], after that project they wanted to start a new game.”

“The project started as Guardian Heroes 2, but the publisher – that’s SEGA – said in order to create a sequel, they wanted us to revitalize the IP. So instead of starting on the sequel we made a remake.”

Hiroto Matsuura was however, open to give as an insight into what to expect if Guardian Heroes did get a sequel;

“The original core game mechanics is a 2D, layer-based game,” he said, “and that’s what we like about it. We may create characters and backgrounds in 3D, but the core mechanics will be the same.”

For those wishing to support the notion behind a sequel to Guardian Heroes, keep note that the release date for the XBLA port will be out in October.

[Source: Eurogamer]

Guardian Heroes – Japanese Trailer

Check this out, Sega Japan has released a new trailer for Guardian Heroes and it’s looking bloody good! If this doesn’t fill you with warm bubbly nostalgia I don’t know what will. From the cheesy music to the bright, bold graphics this reminds me of a better, simpler time for gaming.

Guardian Heroes will be released on October 12th exclusively for XBLA and will cost you $10.

Guardian Heroes coming to XBLA on October 12th

We had a false alarm last week, when Major Nelson said that Guardian Heroes was suppose to come out. It actually did come out on Mexico’s XBLA, but was quickly taken down. Now SEGA says we actually have to wait till next month before we get to play Guardian Heroes and its 12 player online co-op.

As for readers, like myself, that would prefer a PSN version, there is nothing to announce at this moment. So if you have an Xbox 360, put down 800pts when this hits the service on October 12th.

[Source: SEGA.Blog]

Sega Announces E3 2011 Line Up

Sega have today announced their E3 2011 line up and it’s pretty packed! With some really exciting games like Binary Domain, Guardian Heroes, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Renegade Ops, Crush3D and Sonic Generations, not to mention Platinum Games’ Anarchy Reigns already announced, is it too much to ask for some surprises too?

I’m still holding out hope for Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown to console, Valkyria Chronicles 3 to West and any kind of news on Phantasy Star Online 2!

But with or without those games it’s quite a good line up for new and old Sega fans, hit the jump for the full list. I’m personally very excited about Aliens and Binary Domain!

SegaBits writers Nuckles87 and Shigs will be presant at E3 2011 and reporting feedback on all of these games and more!

Treasure wants to make a Guardian Heroes sequel

A NeoGAF member has posted a summary of a recent Treasure interview featured in the July issue of the Famitsu Xbox 360 magazine. Several details on the game are revealed, such as news that they’ll be fixing glitches and that development started after they completed Bleach on the Wii. However the major revealation happens to be that Treasure wishes to make a second Guardian Heroes and are hoping to convience SEGA that a sequel to the much loved SEGA Saturn title would be feasible.

No doubt fans of the title would be excited if a Guadian Heroes 2 was made, but if the title underperforms it would mean that yet another SEGA classic may not get the sequel it deserves. Guardian Heroes is set to release exclusively for the Xbox 360 in fall 2011, make sure you pick up a copy, or two!

[Source: NeoGAF member Gaspode_T]

Guardian Heroes Trailer!

Rejoice! A true classic is set to return this summer on XBLA! Yep, it’s Guardian Heroes and it’s looking better than ever with the new ‘HD’ filter, new game play modes, online multiplayer, revised VS. mode and more.

If you prefer to play the game how it was on the Saturn with original chunky sprites, enabling ‘Saturn mode’ will allow you to do so!