SEGA Talk Podcast #97: Policenauts (1994)

We put on our space suits and ready our weapons as we dive into the Hideo Kojima cult classic Policenauts! We look at the influences that shaped the game, look at why the SEGA Saturn is the definitive version and… why do the lead characters look like the stars of Lethal Weapon?

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SEGA Talk #70: Snatcher (1994)

This time on SEGA Talk, George and Barry dive deep into the cult classic Konami visual novel Snatcher, directed and written by video game legend Hideo Kojima. This episode is dedicated to all those cyberpunks who fight against injustice and corruption every day of their lives.

Support us on Patreon! Get early access, tell us what games to cover, and have your SEGA memories read at the end and more!

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If you want to give us feedback, suggest a topic for the next podcast or want to ask a question for us to answer on the next episode you can add  them as a comment below or send theme directly to our email. Make sure you use subject line ‘SEGA Talk’ and as always, thanks for listening!

English Sega Saturn Policenauts fan translation released

English Sega Saturn Policenauts fan translation header

An English Sega Saturn Policenauts fan translation has been released today, which is certainly not the October surprise you were expecting to be excited about.

Policenauts is a graphic adventure game that follows in the footsteps of Konami’s Sega CD cult classic Snatcher. Several years ago, an English translation patch was released for the PlayStation version of the game. Which was nice, but what most of us wanted was for the Sega Saturn release of the game to get the same treatment.

The Japanese Sega Saturn port of Policenauts contains all of the same content as the other editions of the game, but with a number of improvements. Most notably, the anime cutscenes run at 24 frames-per-second, while it’s PlayStation counterpart chugs along at just 15. In addition, it features more dialogue and scenes, less censorship, bonus videos after the game is completed, and an alternative credits sequence. It also features light gun support if you still have a handy Virtua Gun and old CRT TV to play it on.

The translation team has already made the game region free with the patch, so all you need to do is patch your game and load it up. You’ll be good to go and finally be able to experience this lost Hideo Kojima classic.

Head on over to to download the patch and instructions.

My Life with SEGA becomes a Junker in Hideo Kojima’s Snatcher for SEGA CD

That’s right, SEGA fans! Andrew Rosa is finally reviewing one of the most sought after SEGA CD titles ever produced, Hideo Kojima’s Snatcher! The cyber-punk graphic adventure’s yet to see an English translation since its appearance on SEGA CD, and very few copies were produced, so there’s no denying that Snatcher‘s value to gamers and collectors alike is exceptionally high. Join Andrew as he examines Hideo Kojima’s sophomore effort.

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Next week on “My Life with SEGA”: the premiere of the short film “Nothing Else Matters”, the follow-up to “Theater of the Eye”. After the break check out a teaser trailer!

Main Bayonetta developers not involved with Metal Gear Rising game

You know you saw all that hype that the developers from Bayonetta are working on Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Its a half truth, Platinum Games are developing the Metal Gear Solid Rising title, but that doesn’t mean that the main people behind Bayonetta have already jumped on board. First of all, director Kamiya has not been announced as working on the project. He basically is the man behind Bayonetta, he directed it. That is the reason the game was so hyped.

Our forum member Pao brought up on his twitter account that he has already asked Kamiya who was doing character development on his next game:

“MGRising is not Kamiya’s next game. Why? I asked him months ago, who is the character designer and lead artist on his next project. He said its Mai Okhura and Masateru Shirai. The credits for Rising says Yoji Shinakawa and Takahito Washisaka. #DetectiveWork”

If that wasn’t enough, Kamiya himself (@PG_kamiya) has replied to fans tweets about how their glad he is working on his own game and not a Konami title. It could be that Platinum Games is in either finished or finishing up Anarchy Reigns and are in the planning stages for Bayonetta 2 while another smaller team works with Hideo Kojima’s on Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

Now it’s just a matter of time.