SEGA Amusements announces Target Bravo: Operation Ghost, a new Ghost Squad arcade game


Via Arcade Heroes comes news of SEGA Amusements’ lineup for IAAPA 2016, the biggest arcade and amusement industry trade show. Headlining what SEGA Amusements plans to have on show includes a new entry to the Ghost Squad series entitled Target Bravo: Operation Ghost. The game is described as a new two-player game which sees players sitting in a 55″ theater cabinet. The game features new weapons, gadgets and equipment as well as the ability to start at any stage in the game.

Given Target Bravo: Operation Ghost contains the Operation Ghost name, which was the 2011 sequel to Ghost Squad, it is likely based on the title and description that this is a reworked version of Operation Ghost with a stage select, new items, a sit down cabinet and possible graphical enhancements being what sets it apart from Operation Ghost. So while this is not likely the true third game in the series, it is very cool to see SEGA keeping the franchise alive.

After the break read SEGA Amusements’ press release for Target Bravo: Operation Ghost and learn about what other games SEGA has to show at IAAPA 2016

AOU 2011 – Sega Booth Tour

Another year another AOU show and another strong show for Sega.
Let me give you a rundown of Segas most noteworthy games at the show.

Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown – The newest available version of VF5.
Lets go Island 3D – Which uses 3D tech with out the need for glasses.
Star Horse and Star Boat – Simulate a betting office.
Chaos Code – A brand new 2D fighter.
MJ5 – A majong game with some pretty graphics.
Super Money Ball Ticket Blitz – Still a little lost on this one to be honest.
Sega and Sonic All-Star Racing Arcade – Port of the home console version.
Project Diva Arcade – It’s project Diva but with sexy graphics.
Shining Force Cross Raid – An online dungeon crawler.
Darts Live – It’s darts and it’s live.
Border Break: Air Burst – Team Fortress style mech action.
AnswerXAnswer Live – Multiplayer quick-fire general knowledge game.

Also at the show were UFO catchers, a Baseball Card collection booth and some obscure children’s games.

Hit the jump for more videos!

xo WlVg VQad NJ

SEGA Amusements UK launching 6 new products

The guys over at Arcade Heroes have gotten the invite to test them out, we here at SEGAbits only got strange looks and pointing fingers. Games on the list are Grid, Let’s Go Island and Great American Road Trip.
What ‘Sonic Series’ and ‘New Sonic AllStars Addition Slideshow v2’ is, I don’t know. I guess we will find out sooner than later