New Dreamcast documentary speaks with Masayoshi Kikuchi (Jet Set Radio), Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Rez), Rieko Kodama (Skies of Arcadia), and more

To celebrate the upcoming 20th year anniversary of the SEGA Dreamcast, the Japanese YouTube channel Archipel has decided to go talk to Japanese creators that worked on software for the Dreamcast. This is just the first part and the people they got from SEGA is pretty crazy:

Hiroshi Iuchi (Ikaruga), Kenji Kanno (Crazy Taxi), Masayoshi Kikuchi (Jet Set Radio), Rieko Kodama (Eternal Arcadia/Skies of Arcadia), Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Space Channel 5 / Rez), Tetsu Okano (Segagaga), Yoot Saito (Seaman), and Hiroaki Yotoriyama (Soulcalibur)!

Its nice to see some of these creators sit down and talk about their time working on the very iconic Dreamcast, pretty excited to see part two of this documentary series. If you haven’t seen Archipel’s content, you should totally check out other documentaries they have done.

SEGA teases new real-time strategy game Revolve8 with all-star development team including Castlevania’s Koji Igarashi

SEGA announced today that they are working on a real-time strategy game for mobile devices called Revolve8: Episodic Dueling which will have an all-star Japanese staff behind the title. The staff includes Koji Igarashi (Castlevania series producer, Bloodstained) working on character designs, Masayoshi Kikuchi (Yakuza series, Dx2 Shin Megami Tensei Liberation) as senior producer,  and Ryota-H (Fate/Grand Order and Lord of Vermilion) as character artist.

On the other side the game’s sound team will include Shunsuke Tsuchiya (Another Eden and Stella Glow) along with Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono series, Xeno series). The games teaser page is already up in both English and Japanese. So, yeah this game is going to be SEGA’s next big release considering the staff has some pretty big names. I first reported this game as a mobile game but made a mistake since there isn’t platforms announced. We will find out more information on October 10th!

SEGA’s mobile game War Pirates launches globally

SEGA’s War Pirates, a mobile game that was out in select countries back in August of last year, is now being released globally. The game peaked our intention when we found out that it was created by Masayoshi Kikuchi of Jet Set Radio and Yakuza fame. War Pirates features 14 maps, over 300 quests, over 20 ships, and over 230 pirate characters to unlock.

War Pirates also features a real-time PVP battle mode which looks pretty interesting. According to the game’s press release they are also promising a Guild vs Guild update later this year. You can check out War Pirates on Twitter and Facebook.

Pre-registration opens for SEGA’s mobile game War Pirates – created by Jet Set Radio director Masayoshi Kikuchi


Way back in December 2015 we reported that SEGA had quietly launched War Pirates on Android. Known in Japan as Sen No Kaizoku, War Pirates is a turn based naval combat game mixed with city building starring pirates, and was created by Masayoshi Kikuchi – best known for his work on the Jet Set Radio and Yakuza franchises. The free-to-play game has been testing for a while now, but it seems thing are finally ramping up to a full release as a pre-registration page has opened, allowing future players to sign up to obtain a special character. War Pirates is set to release soon to the App Store and Google Play store.

While we know mobile gaming is the red headed step child when it comes to SEGA gaming platforms, we do hope once it releases people give it a fair chance. I mean, a pirate game from the director of Jet Set Radio sounds pretty cool, right?

SEGA secretly releases ‘War Pirates’ on Android


Seems that the Western localization version of Sen No Kaizoku is called ‘War Pirates’ in America and is available to download on Android (coming later to iOS). The game is being created by Masayoshi Kikuchi, who is known by SEGA fans for his work on Jet Set Radio and Yakuza franchises.

War Pirates takes a mix of city building and turn-based naval combat to deliver a frantic pirate themed experience. According to a lot of reviews on the Google Playstore the game is having issues connecting to the game’s server and downloading game data. Just like all other SEGA free-to-play games, the user is forced to have a constant internet connection if they want to enjoy the game, so this could ruin your experience. Not to mention its a soft launch, so it most likely only available if your from a country like Canada.

If you download it, let us know what you think of the game in the comments below.

SEGA News Bits: Tokyo Game Show 2015 impressions

This year’s Tokyo Game Show has come to a close and SEGA of Japan showed off plenty of titles at the event. On this SEGA News Bit video me and Barry discuss our impressions of SEGA’s showing, including Atlus games that made the show. Tune in and tell us what you thought about this year’s Tokyo Game Show in the comments.

Like these sorts of videos? Subscribe to us on Youtube and never miss a episode.

Famitsu Reveals – Samurai and Dragons for Vita

Today Famitsu revealed news about a new Sega game for the PlayStation Vita, the game titled Samurai and Dragons. The games chief producer is Masayoshi Kikuchi, a man of high pedigree. Kikuchi was the producer of Yakuza, director of Jet Set Radio and planner of the Panzer Dragoon series which should garner any Sega fans interest.

The game will have two types of game play, the first is a multiplayer dungeon crawler where you team up with three other friends and explore/fight in dungeons (think Phantasy Star Online or Monster Hunter.)

The second half of the game involves city building and resource management similar a strategy game.

Having seen some rather blurry scans, it’s hard to say much about the game. But it seems to be very similar to Sega’s iPad game Kingdoms Conquest, an MMO type game where you join a faction vying for world domination and must battle other factions for control of the land. While I see no indiation that it’ll have that MMO feature from the little info we have I suspect that will be the case.

Hit the jump for scans:

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Game that shocked SEGA & Platinum Games producers in 2010

4Gamer talked to Japanese developers, asked them all the following questions:

  1. What game released in 2010 moved you or shocked you the most?
  2. What piece of entertainment (game or non-game) most impressed you in 2010?
  3. Give a message to fans

Two of the producers from SEGA & two people from Platinum Games happen to be on the list of Japanese developers to answer the questions. Hit the jump to find out their responses.

Yakuza 3 producer sorry for cutting content

I don’t know what goes through the heads of producers, that think gamers want less content in there games. But it happens. Masayoshi Kikuchi, Producer of Yakuza 3, admits that their decision to cut content out of Yakuza 3 was wrong.

“We did what we thought would be good for the Western market, but after the game was released we received a lot of feedback from users in the complete opposite direction, asking for complete content. It was a big surprise for us. I’m definitely pleased that people wanted to see more, but at the same time, I feel sorry for the fans who were let down by the cut content.”Masayoshi Kikuchi, Producer for Yakuza 3

It is OK Mr. Kikuchi, just give us a patch to put in that extra content? No? Well, just give us a complete package with Yakuza 4 and we will call it even.

[Via: Destructoid]