SEGA to announce new Yakuza title this weekend during Tokyo Game Show 2020

While we are still counting down the days for us to play Yakuza: Like a Dragon, the seventh main title in the  Yakuza franchise, the studio is already set to announce yet another Yakuza title this weekend. Will this new title feature more traditional combat? Will Ichiban come back? Could this be the long rumored sequel to Yakuza 0?

We will find out soon since they are set to announce it via the Sega Atlus  Tokyo Game Show stream this September 27th at 8pm JST (4am PT) on YouTube.

[Via: PCgamer]

Female co-star casted for New Yakuza, more details on the game coming August 29th

SEGA hosted an audition last month for the upcoming Yakuza game with nearly 1,000 women auditioning for the role as the game’s protaganist Ichiban Kasuga female co-star. Narrowed down to 10 finalist, Eri Kamataki came out on top and will play the role of the female co-star.

At the female co-star announcement event, Yakuza series general producer Toshihiro Nagoshi stated that more details on the new Yakuza game will be announced on August 29th. Excited to see more details on the new Yakuza game next month and what are your expectations on the game? Let us know on the comments below.

Source: Gematsu

SEGA News Bits: Yakuza Kiwami 2, Yakuza Online and Fist of the North Star game announced

Today we have not one, not two, but three SEGA News Bits to enjoy. The Yakuza Studio had a big stream where they revealed their projects for the rest of 2017 and 2018. They confirmed the release of Yakuza Kiwami 2, revealed Yakuza Online and surprised us all with a Fist of the North Star game running on the Yakuza 6 engine! On these episodes of the SEGA News Bits we discuss all the information we know about these titles, how I feel about each project and complain about the Yakuza studio not announcing a new IP. Have a listen and let us know what you think about these announced titles in the comments below. Hit the jump for the other two videos!

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Yakuza Online announced for Smartphones and PC

The latest entry in SEGA’s long running Yakuza has been announced, Shin Ryu Ga Gotoku/New Yakuza was shown off on the stream and gave us a look to the new protagonist Kazuga Ichiban. Not much was shown off but one scene depicting the tone of the latest game keeping in line with the gritty crime drama aspect but now with a slightly more laid back character as the lead.


Interestingly, the new protagonist will not only be appearing on consoles on Shin (New) Yakuza but also the smartphone game Yakuza Online with an undisclosed release date. Yakuza Online will be heading to Android, iOS and even PC! I must admit the new character comes across as quite different from previous series protagonist Kazuma Kiryu and I’m looking forward to seeing more of him as we head closer to Tokyo Game Show where  SEGA will be showing off more of the project.

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Next Yakuza to have multiple playable characters?

Yakuza 4, that was released earlier this year in Japan, had 4 playable characters and it seems that Nagoshi might do the same for the next Yakuza game. There was a event held in front of Don Quijote in Shinjuku to announce the new game, Nagoshi spoke a bit about what we should expect. When a reporter asked him if it was true that Majima would be the lead, not Kazuma, Nagoshi answered:

“It’s correct to say that when we were deciding who to show first, the first person to come out was Majima and not Kazuma. The visual of Majima that we’re showing is not the main visual. The main visual will show everything about the game. You can use Majima as main character, but Majima is just the first visual that we released.” Toshihiro Nagoshi, Series Producer

So this means that Kazuma might still have a place in this game, as a playable character. Kind of disappointed, I think if anyone deserved his own Yakuza title, it is Goro Majima. Nagoshi also said the drama will remain intact, but the way that it is told will be changed. As for the game focusing on ‘destroying’, it seems that he was referring to the development of the game and not what we will actually do in the game world.