Phantasy Star
SEGA Officially Announces US & EU Release of Phantasy Star Online 2 in 2013
I’m very happy to report that Sega has finally announced Phantasy Star Online 2 will be released in Europe and North America. I’m sure we all suspected it was only a matter of time but it’s always nice to know it’s official. 2013 though? That seems like a long, long way away. Then again I’ve waited over a decade for a true sequal to PSO I suppose I can wait another six months.
I only hope that by the time it releases in the west it has all of the updates the Japanese version will have received in the meantime and all available from the start. I really hope there isn’t a repeat of Phantasy Star Universe where the Japanese were always far ahead when it came to updates.
Hit the jump for the press release.
Phantasy Star Online 2 – Closed Beta Trailer & Info
A clearer video of the Dengeki Event video has been uploaded to the internet, titled “PSO2 Closed Beta New Elements.” The trailer details some of the new features players will come across in the closed beta. Mags baby!
Closed Beta Features
- Now the lobby from the Alpha Test has expanded into two areas. There’s a Gate area and Shop area, with some new facilities like the Medical Center.
- New weapon category, Partisans that has a “twirl” move which can fill up the “gear gauge.” It’s quicker than the sword and can hit surrounding enemies.
- Launchers, it is heavier than the assault rifle, so you can’t move and shoot at the same time. Its projectiles can give explosive damage.
- Talis (Cards), like a shooting weapon, you can just throw it to give damage. Or, you can throw it and cast technics off of it.
- Mags, an artificial life form that grows up when you feed it items. It can attack enemies directly if it becomes a “Striking” type Mag. If it is a “Range” type mag, it can shoot from a distance from the player’s position. It can offer support to the player too. With an item called a “device”, actions can be added by specific conditions.
Photon Blasts, by filling the blast gauge, mags can transform into a mythical beast and fight alongside with the player.Phantasy Star Online 2′s second Media Briefing will take place on Monday March 26th, 2012 @ 13:30 JST. It will feature infomation about the closed beta, billing infomation, future development schedule and new game information.
Phantasy Star Online 2 – New Lobby, Mags and Weapons
Check out this new video presentation from the Dengeki Festival.
In it Sakai-san demonstrates lots of great new additions to the PSO2 formula, including the return of some pretty cool Mags!
I cannot wait to get my paws on this game, I’ve been waiting for a true sequal to PSO for a decade now, this looks like it’ll be the one!
Phantasy Star Online 2 – Awesome Gameplay with Dragons!
PSO2 just keeps looking better! Check out this game play/developer diary with Dragon Sakai and that other woman…
The game play starts at around the 4:00 mark where they enter what looks like a giant cave level and fight a dragon multiple times.
Also worth noting is the use of telepipes and what looks like some kind of latency stress test at the end of the video; the very end gave me a chuckle.
Game Gear mod adds five-inch screen and rechargeable batteries
When I was a kid and I had a Game Gear, I was super excited. The thing was way better than my Game Boy, but it only had one big issue. The battery life was horrible. Finally, someone made an awesome mod that makes the Game Gear more awesome: Introducing the Handy Gear.
It has a custom-made case, Master System converter and a 5-inch PSone screen. Most importantly, it has rechargeable batteries. The con? It’s big and weighs in at more than 2 pounds. Not so portable.
[Via: Engadget]
PSO2 Trailer – Translated
In the next couple of days Sega have promised to release a HD version of the PSO2 trailer, but until then how about this fan translation of the trailer to whet your appetite?
This trailer gives you a better idea of the story, game play and additional features.
SEGA Sales: 50% off select XBLA titles (UPDATED)
CVG has just reported that from April 19th through April 25th, Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Episode I, Crazy Taxi, and OutRun Online Arcade will have their prices slashed by 50%. OutRun will run you 400 points, Sonic 4 will cost 600, and Crazy Taxi will set you back another 400 points. No better time to pick these titles up than now.
SEGA Europe has posted a blog about this same sale that includes ALL of their XBLA titles included in this sale. Pick these titles up NOW. Below is a of the titles on sale.
Phantasy Star Universe – PSU PC Updated, PSU PS2 closes!
It seems that the era of Phantasy Star Universe is coming to a close. Today Sega have announced that the Japanese Playstation 2 PSU servers will be shut down, leaving only the PC version still up and running.
However it’s not all doom and gloom; with the closing of the PS2 servers, the PC version of PSU is getting a substantial update introducing new areas, photon arts, items, special abilities and more. All are based on Phantasy Star Portable 2 or Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity.
With Phantasy Star Portable 2: Infinity doing well in the Japanese charts (well deserved) and the much anticipated Phantasy Star Online 2 on its way the Phantasy Star series looks set to continue for many years to come.
Hit the jump to see an early rundown of the new content coming to PSU-PC soon.
Round Table: Our favorite SEGA heroes
We all have heroes that we look up to, since we here are big SEGA fans, we also happen to have SEGA heroes. I decided to make this article a bit more intresting and allow anything SEGA. This includes workers, game characters or marketing icons.
As always you can share your thoughts in the comment section.
PSP2 Infinity has new race designs

It looks as if SEGA and Sonic Team have given the races of Phantasy Star Portable 2 a makeover in Phantasy Star Portable 2 infinity. Every race has been given a new look. Hit the jump to see the rest of the races and a piece of concept art. I wonder if this is a sign of things to come for PSO2. Guess we will find out next year.
Phantasy Star II coming to the iPhone!
One month ago SEGA brought iPhone and iPod Touch owners Shining Force. This Thursday the SEGA RPG love continues with the release of Phantasy Star II! For just $2.99 the classic game will be fully playable, running on the same emulator as previous games. However, unlike games that require precise controls and fail on SEGA’s Genesis emulator (I’m looking at you, Sonic 2), Phantasy Star II is promised to be a smooth experience as the game itself does not require fast timing or a fast frame rate.
Here’s hoping that we get more SEGA RPGs in the coming months!
[Source: TouchArcade and The Nomad Junkyard]
Unexpected items in English release of Phantasy Star Portable 2
It looks like SEGA is pulling all the tricks they can to get Phantasy Star Portable 2 localized with minimal cuts. SEGA America community manager Aaron Webber who goes by the name RubyEclipse sent an email to Siliconera about two items that will be making it into the English version of Phantasy Star Portable 2.
Hit the jump to read about the unexpected Japanese items that have made it into the English release.
Phantasy Star Universe: Guardians Advanced Content and Ambition of the Illuminus out now and FREE!
A new (and FREE) expansion pack for Phantasy Star Universe on Xbox 360 has just been released for download, and not only that, but SEGA has seen fit to give away Ambition of the Illuminus (formerly 800 points) away as well to celebrate!
The Guardians content will offer players new missions, new weapons and new customisation options, breathing some new life into the online game. The expansions can be downloaded from the XBLA Marketplace site, or from your 360 console.
Phantasy Star Portable 2 art contest winner announced
The above image is actually not the winner, he won second place. Though, I think he was cheated. So sadly this masterpiece will not be in the game, that is the price for first place (Correction, both 2nd and 1st will be in game. Yay!).
Head over to the SEGA Blog to see the top 10 pieces of art, what are your favorites?