Resonance of Fate 4K / HD Edition officially revealed for PlayStation 4 & PC

Just like that early German Rating predicted, tri-Ace has announced Resonance of Fate 4K / HD Edition for Playstation 4 and PC (specifically Steam). Oddly enough tri-Ace seemed to have skipped over the Xbox One, considering that the game originally came out on the Xbox 360.

The official site has details on the game’s story and characters, but if you played the original you would know the basics. The site does list customizing your characters as a feature but doesn’t show any of the gear using the SEGA logos, but the bottom of the site does have the ‘©SEGA’ on the bottom of the page. The PlayStation 4 version will come with a free theme and Avatar while the PC version will support trading cards.

Resonance of Fate rated in Germany for PlayStation 4 and PC

It looks like the SEGA and tri-Ace developed JRPG Resonance of Fate might be coming back to life on PlayStation 4 and PC soon since it looks like tri-Ace has filed for a rating via the German classification board.

Resonance of Fate came out all the way back in 2010 on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. At the time, SEGA made a big deal about Resonance of Fate because it was during a period that the company wanted to expand its JRPG catalogue. According to the rating, tri-Ace is looking to publish this ‘re-release’ themselves, considering SEGA’s name is absent. Going to be weird considering some of the in-game assets (like the shirt in the photo above) has SEGA’s logo all over them.

[Via: PopBastion]

The SEGA Five: SEGA published games that deserve more attention

If you discuss Streets of Rage, Super Monkey Ball, or even anything Sonic, chances are you can hear that 90’s jingle of retro goodness (SEGAAAAAAAAAAA!). The company helped create some wonderful games and franchises and are still going strong to this day. That being said, most of the games published by SEGA are sometimes often forgot about and usually sit on store shelves to collect dust and/or be pauper’s pennies.

While I haven’t played every single game SEGA has helped publish, some of those games stick out to me in a very unique and interesting way. And SEGA, being the quirky company they are, brought me wonderful memories and breathes a one-of-a-kind charm to those certain games. So in no particular order (with the first one being my favorite out of the five), here are some games that rightfully deserve more attention than they get!

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Project X Zone removed from North America & Europe Nintendo eShop


For reasons unknown, the digital version of Project X Zone has been removed from the Nintendo eShop. Starting around 2012 games produced for the system typically sport a retail and digital version, with a few exceptions that are retail exclusive or vise versa. Typically the digital version would need to be loaded into an SD card, but the main benefit of choosing digital is slightly faster loading times, the convenience of not switching 3DS game cards, and the option to re-download the game at any given time.

Rumor: SEGA to bring games like Vanquish, Hatsune Miku and Virtua Fighter 5 to PC?

1866768Over at TSSZ News, site owner Tristan Oliver got himself cozy with a SEGA inside source who tells him that SEGA will continue to port to PC. Not that its a secret, considering that SEGA Europe openly tweeted as such but the interesting bit was what SEGA PC Ports they are considering.

According to TSSZ’s source, the lineup of upcoming SEGA PC ports will be extensive. One of the bigger titles that surprised me was the mention of Yakuza 0, but according to the source its just a idea the team has shot around and isn’t finalized.

According to TSSZ the following titles are ‘high priority’ SEGA PC ports:

  • Vanquish
  • Resonance of Fate
  • Hatsune Miku: Project Diva franchise
  • Virtua Fighter 5
  • Valkyria: Azure Revolution

Seems that SEGA won’t stop there as their source also talked about them wanting to port several Atlus games. So far SEGA has put out at least one PC port a year, so it might be quite awhile before we see all these titles.

So what do you guys think about this rumor? True or false? Any games not mentioned that deserve a PC port?

[Source: TSSZ]

New Project X Zone 2: Brave New World screens and art show off Shenmue’s Ryo Hazuki


Famitsu has dropped another batch of Project X Zone 2: Brave New World character reveals for the upcoming Bandai Namco Entertainment published SRPG crossover featuring SEGA, Capcom, and Bandai Namco characters. In this latest batch SEGA representation is light, but the inclusion of Shenmue’s Ryo Hazuki is huge. Of course, we knew of Ryo’s inclusion for a few weeks. But in this reveal it is confirmed that Ryo will be a Solo Unit character, meaning he won’t be teamed with another Shenmue character (I was really hoping we’d get Wuying Ren). It has also been confirmed that Ryo’s Japanese voice actor Matsukaze Masaya will be returning to the role. Masaya will also be voicing Ryo in Shenmue 3, which means we’ll get our first listen of Masaya’s return to the role in Project X Zone 2!

Other SEGA characters revealed include two NPCs: The evil rabbit eared Ranmaru from Sakuza Wars: So Long My Love voiced by Asai Kiyomi and Garijanon, voiced by Norio Wakamoto, of Resonance of Fate who will be sharing a cutscene with Segata Sanshiro.

After the break, check out the SEGA character screens and art, and check out all the new images over at Famitsu!

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SEGA on PC ports: “So many games, so little time! Stay tuned.”

A couple of years ago a ton of SEGA fans started up the #SEGAPCPorts hashtag and petition demanding for SEGA to release more of its games on their platform of choice. It seemed to have worked since we got surprises like “new” title The Typing of the Dead: Overkill and last year we got the fantastic port of Valkyria Chronicles.

Since the last PC port happen last year and we got a new restructure in April, a fan decided to ask SEGA if they where still doing PC ports:

SEGA takes aim and blasts Resonance of Fate onto PlayStation Network for PlayStation 3

SEGA West has announced that Resonance of Fate, released in 2010 to the Xbox 360 and PS3, is now available on the PlayStation Network for PlayStation 3. Developed by tri-Ace, Resonance of Fate is a unique RPG featuring a combat system centered around gun-play in a steampunk-styled world. Players take control of Vashyron, Zephyr and Leanne, members of the Private Military Firm who are tasked with seeking out and completing quests for their clients.

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New Project X Zone screens shows off Resonance of Fate characters has updated with a ton of new screenshots showing off the newly announced characters for Project X Zone. If you missed the announcement it has been confirmed that Resonance of Fate‘s Leanne and Zephyr would be appearing as a pair in the upcoming 3DS game. Click here if you never heard of Project X Zone.

To see all the screenshots released, hit the jump. Enjoy!

Resonance of Fate characters to appear in Project X Zone

Seems that SEGA isn’t going to let the Resonance of Fate franchise die out just yet. In the latest Famitsu magazine (scans above) they confirm that there will be a Resonance of Fate team made up by Leanne and Zephyr. They also revealed other characters from Capcom and Namco-Bandai that will be joining the full game.

  • Alisa and Soma from God Eater franchise (Namco-Bandai)
  • Lei-Lei (aka Hsien-Ko) from the Darkstalkers franchise (Capcom)
  • Frank West from Dead Rising franchise (Capcom)

Seems that the roster will just keep growing and growing at this rate. But do you think that the Resonance of Fate franchise deserves to go first instead of a classic franchise like Phantasy Star?

Resonance of Fate getting promotional comic

You thought that the Resonance of Fate game was the last you’d hear of the franchise? Doesn’t seem this way, the game is still having releases, at least a ‘comic’ version of it. Famitsu will have the comic called ‘End of Eternity: The Secret Hours”. End of Eternity is the Japanese name of the game.

The comic is set to have a orginal story, will feature Leanne, Zephyr and Vashyron investigating a mysterious and private military firm. This will set up promotion for the ‘budget’ version of the game, which is set to release in Japan this January.

As for a sequel, it is unknown at this point, but when the game was first announced, SEGA wanted to make it into a franchise. But then again, they said the same thing about Shenmue…

[Source: Siliconera]

End of Eternity testing out new 360 budget packaging

Yes, End of Eternity (Western title Resonance of Fate) has went budget priced in Japan. Not only that, it is one of the first games to get the new ‘platinum collection’ packaging from Microsoft.

So what did the old packaging look like? Check out the old Platinum Collection box art for Bayonetta. Yeah, it has improved for the better. End of Eternity reprint is coming out in Japan on December the 2nd.

[Source: Siliconera]

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The Resonance of Fate winner is…

So it is time to announce the winner for the Resonance of Fate giveaway, the winner is… Joseph Carter. Funny thing, he is one of the few people to actually get the comparison right. If you didn’t know, there were 4 things wrong with the photo.

  • Sonic Team logo in the left, top corner. (you did not have to say it was a Sonic Team logo. Just that there was something)
  • Leanne ‘s flower is missing in the doctored shot.
  • Leanne’s necklace is missing in the doctored shot.
  • One of Zephyr’s buttons is missing from his coat.

The items will be shipped out tomorrow (this includes the Valkyria Chronicles ones as well). Talking about tomorrow, we will also have a BIG prize to give away. Details posted tomorrow.

Giveaway: Valkyria Chronicles game, artbook and strategy guide

What do you have to do to win the above? Simple. Just look at the original and doctored photo below, contact us (header: VC contest) with the differences and you will be entered to win.

Original | Doctored

The contest will run for 1 week, ending on May 17th, 2010. The contest is open to anyone in the world. One submission per person. 3 runner ups will get a Sands of Destruction wrist bands and Resonance of Fate sampler cds.

Another contest will start next week. To get information on that follow us

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