Samurai and Dragons Sega All-Stars Pack Revealed!

I see stars, so many stars this week with the release of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. However this isn’t the last of the All-Stars this year. Samurai and Dragons official website updated with the information on the “Sega All-Stars Pack” The card pack features a full cast of characters from various Sega franchises from over the years such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Virtua Fighter, Jet Set Radio, Sakura Wars, Shenmue and many more. You can use these set of cards in battle against your enemies. The Sega All-Stars Pack will be released next week in Japan on November 28, 2012. Sega West, can we get this game too? Read more to see the awesome card gallery

Famitsu Reveals – Samurai and Dragons for Vita

Today Famitsu revealed news about a new Sega game for the PlayStation Vita, the game titled Samurai and Dragons. The games chief producer is Masayoshi Kikuchi, a man of high pedigree. Kikuchi was the producer of Yakuza, director of Jet Set Radio and planner of the Panzer Dragoon series which should garner any Sega fans interest.

The game will have two types of game play, the first is a multiplayer dungeon crawler where you team up with three other friends and explore/fight in dungeons (think Phantasy Star Online or Monster Hunter.)

The second half of the game involves city building and resource management similar a strategy game.

Having seen some rather blurry scans, it’s hard to say much about the game. But it seems to be very similar to Sega’s iPad game Kingdoms Conquest, an MMO type game where you join a faction vying for world domination and must battle other factions for control of the land. While I see no indiation that it’ll have that MMO feature from the little info we have I suspect that will be the case.

Hit the jump for scans: