SEGA Talk #92: Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric (2014)

On this SEGA Talk, we put on some sports tape and discuss the flagship video game for the Sonic Boom multimedia project: Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric! What were the project’s origins? Why was it a Wii U exclusive? And we settle the debate once and for all: which was worse? Rise of Lyric or Sonic 2006?

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Sonic Boom Season 2 Blu-ray Announced, Releasing September 2021

Amazon listings for a Sonic Boom Season 2 blu-ray and Sonic Boom Season 2 Volume 2 DVD have appeared, making the full series finally available to own on physical media. Both releases will be available September 21, 2021. Sonic Boom, the TV series, was part of a multimedia branch of the Sonic franchise which consisted of video games, toys and comics. Boom was a total reboot with a new canon and unique characters in addition to drastically redesigned and reimagined characters from the Sonic franchise. The attempt to create a new branch fully controlled by SEGA of America fell apart largely due to the mismanagement and poor quality of the video games (namely the Wii U game, as I still stand by the 3DS games being good) and an overall inconsistent level of quality and tone.

Many fans of Boom argue that the TV series was the best aspect of the whole project and now the second half of the TV series, which ran from 2014 to 2017 and saw 104 episodes, will finally see release. Will you be picking up Sonic Boom Season 2 on blu-ray or DVD?

Sonic Boom Season 1 Blu-Ray and Season 2 DVD now available for pre-order

We previously reported on Sonic Boom season 1 releasing to blu-ray and now we have pre-order listings and box art! Season 1 will not only include 9 hours of episodes on 3 blu-ray discs, but there will also be a digital code to be redeemed on a service called movieSPREE. Also revealed is the cover art and bonus item in the Limited Edition Gift Set for Season 2 Vol. 1 of Sonic Boom Season 2. Instead of more figures, they’re including a backpack hanger. Not as exciting as Amy and Sticks figures, but it could be because TOMY no longer produces the figures which were included in previous sets. There is also a standard version without a toy included. All three releases hit May 4, 2021 and pre-order links can be found below.

Sonic Boom: The Complete Season 1 Blu-Ray | Sonic Boom: Season 2 Volume 1 Gift Set

Sonic Boom Season 1 Blu-Ray and Season 2 Volume 1 DVD Announced – Coming May 2021

Maybe its the recent voice cast departure news, or maybe I’ve softened on the now cancelled “new branch” of the Sonic franchise, but I have to admit I was really happy to learn today that not only will Sonic Boom season 2 receive a Volume 1 DVD release (with a Volume 2 to follow) but there will also be a Sonic Boom season 1 blu-ray release. Read on to learn more!

Sonic Boom Season 1, Volume 1 DVD announced for America – includes action figures!

If you’ve been following SEGAbits for a while, you might have caught on that we’re big fans of physical media. From vinyl records to collector’s edition games, we love stuff we can hold in our hands. When it comes to home video releases, I especially like owning every Sonic the Hedgehog show. From the original anime movie to the third Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog DVD that took years to finally release, I’ve happily bought Sonic content as it released to put up on my ever expanding shelves.

So when Sonic Boom was announced and released to TV, I held out hope that we would see DVD releases. We did end up seeing them, but over in the UK as all of season 1 released in four volumes in 2016. It wasn’t until early 2019 that America saw DVD releases with two 8 episode sets collecting an assortment of 16 season 1 episodes.

But now, it looks like America will finally be seeing season sets, as NCircle Entertainment will release a 26 episode Season 1, Volume 1 Gift Set featuring half of the first season and two packed in action figures of Eggman and Sonic. Interestingly, while TOMY produced the action figures for the series, they have since lost the license. However, the included figures are TOMY sculpts as the toy company’s name is on the back of the box. You can pre-order the Sonic Boom Season 1, Vol. 1 Gift Box on Amazon, and it is currently listed for $24.99. Not bad for 26 episodes and two action figures! If you want to save $10 and drop the figures, there is a $14.99 disc only standard edition as well.

Sonic @ SXSW: Sonic Boom DVDs announced for America

The Sonic the Hedgehog panel announced today that the Sonic Boom TV series will be seeing DVDs in America. While the series saw releases outside of the USA, only streaming services saw episodes appear. The first DVD will only contain 8 episodes and will be priced at $6.99 with a second DVD due out later with another 8 episodes. The episodes do not appear to be in any order, and given the series has 104 episodes it will take a while to see the whole series on DVD (that’s 13 total). Still, cool to see more Sonic cartoons on home video!

What Are Your Thoughts on Sonic Boom, 4 Years Later

f04SEGA went pretty far out there to have Sonic Boom be a huge launch which included a TV Show, video games, comics and even a toy line by Tomy. SEGA America had big plans for the new look and new ‘direction’ of this Sonic series, which would have existed along side with modern Sonic the Hedgehog. Sadly the video games launched by SEGA had rough sales and slowly SEGA turned the wheels on Sonic Boom by cancelling the comics and video games.

But the Sonic Boom TV show still remained, the last episode aired on November 11, 2017 and the series has ran for two seasons spanning 104 episodes. While I’m not a huge fan of the redesigns or video games, I will admit something about the Sonic Boom TV show (and even comic) really had me entertained. I know they aren’t perfect but I always found the writing on the TV show to be witty and well done. Now SEGA is launching the excellent Sonic Mania Adventures web series, could we see classic Sonic take away Sonic Boom‘s TV spot? Do you think that SEGA should continue Sonic Boom as a TV show brand and what is your overall thoughts of Sonic Boom, 4 years later?

TOMY reveals new Sonic the Hedgehog action figures, plush toys and comic books for 2018


2018 might be a quiet year for Sonic the Hedgehog games, but the world of merchandise appears to be heating up. Not only will IDW debut their spin on the Sonic franchise, but TOMY will be releasing many more action figures and plush toys from the modern, classic and Sonic Boom character lineups. TOMY has been in the Sonic action figure business for two years, so they have released some figures but there are still several characters that they have yet to release. Let’s take a look at what collector’s can expect in 2018!

Cook & Becker’s Sonic The Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Art Book reveals exclusive Yuji Uekawa print

Sonic-art-print_UekawaLong time Sonic the Hedgehog artist Yuji Uekawa will be doing an exclusive print that will come with the Cook & Becker’s Sonic The Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Art Book Collectors Edition. If you missed the news, the art book will collect rare and exclusive art from the Blue Blur’s history and will come in two versions: standard hardcover and collectors edition. The Yuji Uekawa print will not be sold separately, as far as we know, meaning there will be about 2,500 copies printed. The Yuji Uekawa print focuses on the history of Sonic by showing him with his three major redesigns: Classic Sonic, Modern Sonic and Sonic Boom.

Cook & Becker was also nice enough to share what the Yuji Uekawa print looks like within the Sonic The Hedgehog 25th Anniversary Art Book Collectors Edition! Remember if you pre-order the collector’s edition before February, you get a 10% discount. The book is expected to ship to costumers sometime within April. What are your thoughts on the Yuji Uekawa print? Sound off in the comments below.


Sonic Boom season 2 to premiere on Boomerang, airing later on Cartoon Network, this November


In a press release that dropped today, details of Sonic Boom season 2 were revealed. The second season will premiere on Boomerang Saturday, November 12th at 6 p.m. ET. For those who don’t have Boomerang and fear that the show has left Cartoon Network, fear not! The press release states that the Boomerang premieres will replay on Cartoon Network starting Nov. 19.

Sonic Boom season two will consist of fifty-two 11-minute episodes. The press release teases various plots including “cases of mistaken identity, androids from an outlandish land, real live urban legends, a haunted lair, familiar faces (Shadow and more characters from the Sonic game universe), plus epic conflicts with powerful, new foes”. Viewers can also expect “potent crystals, mercurial mecha, slick scuba gear, stylin’ space suits, sharp snow supplies, custom cars, total team spirit, and of course, constant clashes with the offensive Dr. Eggman and his compelling creations”.

After the break, check out the full press release! Are you looking forward to season two of Sonic Boom? Sound off in the comments below.

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice First Impressions

It’s here, the brand new side-scrolling Sonic game! No, not Sonic Mania. It’s Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice for the Nintendo 3DS! In this SEGA News Bits, Barry shares with George, and our viewing audience, his thoughts on the game. Did SEGA and Sanzaru Games learn their lesson from Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal?

In the comments below, let us know what you think of Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice! Also, don’t hate Barry.

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SEGA of Japan releases character trailers for Sonic Boom Fire & Ice

Sonic Boom Fire & Ice is not exactly a game people are enthusiastic about, essentially being overshadowed by the stigma of the Sonic Boom sub-series starting with the infamous Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric and being ignored in favor of the fan love letter Sonic Mania. However (ironically) SEGA of Japan is still trying to promote Sonic Boon Fire & Ice (There called Sonic Toon Fire & Ice) for it’s October 27th, 2016 release date by releasing trailers that highlights the characters Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks.

Each trailer shows off the capabilities of each character via gameplay, highlighting specific techniques each character utilizes and examples of how they can be used. Said trailers also highlights the Fire and Ice gimmick and how each character utilizes them. Examples including Sonic being able to boost vertically both upwards and downwards, Amy using her hammer to create a shockwave that can lower pillers, Knuckles digging creating explosions if he creates a circle in a similar vein to the Paraloop mechanic in NiGHTS into Dreams, Tails’ ability to shoot enemies with a laser, and Stick’s boomerang.

While the Japanese have to wait for another month for Sonic Boom Fire & Ice, for those that live outside of Japan they have the luxury of playing the game this month, September 27th for the USA and September 30th for Europe.

Click below to see the trailers for Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and Sticks

Celebrating Sonic the Hedgehog’s 25th anniversary with 25 great underrated moments

sonic 25 headerSEGA’s Sonic the Hedgehog franchise turns 25 today, and while we’ve celebrated franchise milestone years in the past, there is something really special about this one. A quarter of a century is a long time, and it is a testament to SEGA’s perseverance and the devotion of the Sonic fanbase that the franchise is still going strong. Sonic Lost World and the Sonic Boom franchise – particularly the games – are often pinpointed as the franchise’s recent weak points and signs that the franchise as a whole needs to be put down or at the very least take a long break. While I am not here to debate the merits of Sonic Lost World and Sonic Boom, I will say that to end a series or take a long break because of either is both incredibly shortsighted and far too extreme a reaction. I would also argue that Sonic is about much more than just the main series games, as fans like to label the major titles, and that there has always been great Sonic things happening even during the franchise’s darkest years.

In celebration of 25 years of Sonic the Hedgehog, join me in looking back year-by-year as I shine the light on great moments in Sonic history that more people need to be talking about.