SEGA Talk #105: Tournament of Legends (2010)

Today on SEGA Talk we discuss the Tournament of the not so Legends, as we discuss an overlooked High Voltage Software Wii exclusive fighting game. Let’s have a look at the humble beginnings of the title to what it became and the fall out. All this and more on SEGA Talk!

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Tournament Of Legends: Jupiter vs. Kara

Another ‘trailer’ for Tourament of Legends, High Voltages fighter for the Wii.

Not much to say about the game really… Bad trailer, poor graphics, crappy character design, waggles game play… Any hint of skillful game play seems to have gone out of the window a long time ago.

It’s basically everything I avoid in one game. The Wii audience will love it.

Tournament of Legends, Bast vs Volcanus

A new trailer for Sega and High Voltage Software’s fighter, Tournament of Legends.

This trailer highlights the fighters Bast, (probably better known as Bastet) the Egyptian goddess of the sun. Depicted as a human woman with the head of a cat. The other character Volcanus seems to be a guy in a wheel chair controlling a giant mechanical statue.

As for the game itself, I can’t say I’m impressed. The camera angle is jarring for a fighter and I can’t imagine all those waggle prompts on screen leaves much room for depth. Lets hope The Conduit 2 can impress.

Tournament of Legends Combat Trailer

A new game play trailer for High Voltage Software developed Tournament of Legends.

The game looks a bit like a poor mans Soul Caliber and doesn’t really inspire me.

I feel Sega should have stuck with publishing the Conduit games only. While the Conduit was nothing to write home about, it wasn’t a bad Wii game and sold well enough to be profitable for Sega.

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Tournament of Legends trailer and release info

SEGA has just released the boxart, pricing plan and trailer for the upcoming Tournament of Legends video game. Don’t know what Tournament of Legends is? Its the new game by High Voltage Software, the guys that did The Conduit.

The trailer above shows some cinematic stuff created via High Voltage’s Wii engine and if you hit the jump you will see the box art. Game will cost $29.99 when it comes out on July 6th.