Bayonetta director interested in spin-off for 3DS starring Jeanne

Jeanne Bayonetta Spinoff
Platinum Games has just released The Wonderful 101 on the Nintendo Wii U, their first game with Nintendo and another game by Bayonetta director Hideki Kamiya. At PAX, Siliconera asked Kamiya if he would want to make a game on the Nintendo 3DS and Kamiya said he had two ideas for the handheld.

“Given the chance, I’d like to make a game based on Jeanne from Bayonetta. Something that’s not as big in scale. Something that’s portable, that you could play in quick sessions, where she’s a history teacher and the kind of fun things that could come out of a scenario like that.” –  Hideki Kamiya (Director of Bayonetta, The Wonderful 101)

So what was the second idea? Well, if you are an Okami fan, time to hit that jump button.

SEGA Australia’s crazy pitch for remaking SEGA classics

[Above is SEGA Australia’s pre-alpha prototype pitch for Golden Axe remake under their label ‘SEGA Reborn’]

SEGA Australia isn’t known as the type of studio that had too many hits, but it seemed that the team was finally hitting their stride with the Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse remake that is coming out in early September. Sadly that will be the studio’s last game, since it was announced that they will be closing by the end of the year.

Seems that the studio pitched for a series of remakes, most notably ‘Golden Axe’ and all to be in a new label called ‘SEGA Reborn’. That’s not all though, the company thought that all these classics should take place in the same universe. Yes, we are talking about Marvel movie treatment with retro games. That would mean that a game like Out Run takes place hundreds of years after Golden Axe.

Much like its remake of Castle of Illusion, they where open to going in and adding new content and fixing issues the originals had. Some of the other games they talked about remaking included Streets of Rage and Shinobi. Hit the jump to see video of the ‘Golden Axe’ remake that the studio pitched to SEGA. 

UPDATE: Sonic Lost World Deadly Six Bonus Edition officially revealed for Wii U

Thanks to the SEGA Blog, we now have more details on the previously revealed NiGHTS into Dreams inspired Wii U Sonic Lost World DLC. As described by SEGA, “Sonic has been sucked into a world of nightmares created by Wizeman, and must defeat the Deadly Six, who are riding on gigantic Nightmaren monsters inspired from the game NiGHTS into Dreams….” The content includes an exclusive level that is accessed via a download code which is obtained when pre-ordering the game (or while supplies last). SEGA says the DLC will be instantly playable, and that upon completing the level a special Color Power (usually only obtainable from Miiverse) is rewarded. SEGA also notes that the Deadly Six Bonus Edition will be called the Deadly Six Edition in Europe. Given that SEGA did not link to any specific retailer, it is being assumed that like Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, this bonus edition will be available to all who pre-order and purchase within the release window. Later pressings of the game will likely drop the content.

After the break, check out the special cover art as well as a few new screens.
UPDATE: We’ve added more images to the gallery!

New Sonic Lost World screens reveal Miiverse functions, game map, and more!

In addition to the new trailer which reveals NiGHTS bosses appearing in Sonic Lost World, which you can see here, SEGA has also released a ton of new screens from Sonic Lost World showing off various stages including Frozen Factory, 2-player assist mode, 2-player racing, Miiverse functionality, as well as the game’s world map. Like Sonic Colors, it appears that Sonic will run from act to act on a little map, and like Sonic Unleashed the more you progress in the game the more Lost Hex comes together. Check out the screens after the break, and as always share your comments below or in our lovely dedicated forum topic.

NiGHTS into Sonic Lost World?!? – SEGA reveals The Deadly Six Edition

Well this is very much a “what the f***?!” piece of news! SEGA has released the Sonic Lost World Gamescom trailer with an added bit at the end showing off a special version of Sonic Lost World for Wii U dubbed The Deadly Six Edition which includes “deadlier game content” by way of The Deadly Six teaming up with NiGHTS bosses! Yes, you read that right. Sonic is going back to the world of NiGHTS and is taking on several bosses from the series. Give the video a watch and try to wrap your head around this crazy news! Currently the special edition of the game is only announced for the UK, but like Sonic & All-Stars Racing’s special edition a US version is likely to be revealed too.

Sonic Lost World Gamescom trailer details 2-player modes and more!

Yahoo! News has released a new Sonic Lost World trailer to coincide with Gamescom 2013. The trailer opens with a peek at a cutscene of Sonic and Tails arriving at Lost Hex in the Tornado, followed by footage of various stages including what appears to be Frozen Factory, a stage in which Sonic skates across icy paths. 2-Player Co-Op Support Mode shows Sonic being controlled by player 1, and the previously revealed gadgets built by tails being controlled by player 2. Past screens and videos showed off the green helicopter, and here we see it again as well as a fighter jet, a hover craft, and a silver UFO. One moment in the video shows the gadget acting as a platform, not unlike New Super Mario Bros. U’s support mode. The support mode actually has Tails voice, as though he is off-screen assisting Sonic. Also on show is a 2 Player Versus Races mode, with the multi-colored robotic Sonics from Sonic Colors making a return. Player one uses the TV screen while player 2 plays on the gamepad screen. MiiVerse Item Sharing allows players to share items like Wisp powers and classic Sonic power-ups including speed shoes, invincibility and Sonic 3’s elemental shields. One Wisp power-up appears to be called “ball”, turning Sonic into a giant black ball. Finally, we hear some taunts from the Deadly Six.

So far, it is one of the most revealing trailers to date with a lot to digest, so give it a few watches to take it all in and then let us know what you think about the game in the comments below!

IGN’s video: ‘5 encouraging things about Sonic Lost World’

Above is IGN’s video where they … get this, talk positive about a Sonic game! I know, I couldn’t believe it. Though, if you are tired of this game being compared to Mario Galaxy….it is weird that right after the guy says that Sonic is going back to his roots with stages, colors and etc, but is still Mario Galaxy looking? Riiiiight…

I also like how they pretend the 3DS version doesn’t exist.

Yakuza producer talks changes in upcoming Yakuza 1&2 HD on Wii U


We already knew that SEGA was going to have an easy mode for Yakuza 1&2 HD, but what else are they making easier? According to Producer Mitsuhiro Shimano, some people didn’t beat the first two games due to getting stuck. He says that they will tweak the upcoming HD re-release to make it easier on new comers.

Some of the adjustments make sense, like batting cages will now be marked on your map and signs on walls will be easier to read (due to 1080p resolution of course). Outside of this, heat gauge will also be available at the start, for those that aren’t good with action games.

The developers stated they will make good use of the second screen so you can see your completed missions, current missions, maps, relationship with cabaret girls, foods you have eaten, and more.

Hit the jump to read a special message from Shimano to fathers.

Summer of Sonic 2013 – Takashi Iizuka Interview


Over the past few years the Sonic series has hit a bit of a renaissance, with Colours and Generations achieving relative success critically as well as commercially. Typically, just as this turnaround is achieved, the newest game shows signs of radical change to the 3D Sonic formula that had finally gained acceptance. Sonic Lost World’s new design is the kind of decision that means it’s always interesting to chat to Takashi Iizuka, the man at the top of Sonic Team today and the public face of the team. He’s always cheery and approachable, but you can never quite predict the answers you’ll get from him. Read on to find out Iizuka’s take on the limitations of Sonic’s previous 3D outings, what inspired the new design of Sonic Lost World and his view of differences between working in the USA and Japan!

“Et tu, badniks?” – Eggman betrayed in Japanese Sonic Lost World trailer

A new trailer for Sonic Lost World has hit the web courtesy of SEGA of Japan. Well, the trailer is actually more of an extended cutscene from the game. In the cutscene, we see The Deadly Six turning iconic badniks against Eggman and his Sonic Colors henchmen Orbot and Cubot (yup! they’re back!). Sonic appears just in time to stop the badniks and save Tails. The cutscene is well animated and looks to be the critical point in the story where Eggman will be forced to side with Sonic. It should be noted that the stage the cutscene takes place in is Desert Ruins, which is the third Zone in the game.

Update: Today’s Nintendo Direct also shows off the connectivity between the 3DS and Wii U versions. Using the 3DS, players create helpful RC vehicles which can then be sent to the Wii U version, where the vehicle is controlled by a second player. See this footage after the break!

Summer of Sonic 2013 – Sonic Lost World Impressions

Summer of Sonic features an in-development game to play every year, usually for the first time to the public outside big industry shows like E3. This year, we got Sonic Lost World, on both Wii U and 3DS, making its debut in the United Kingdom.

First, a quick summary of what was on show. The rep told us this was the Comic-Con build, so for the few Americans in the audience who were there, we played the same game you did. There were three Wii U demo pods and six 3DSes running. On the Wii U game there were 4 levels available to play: Windy Hill, Desert Ruins 1 (styled with a small letter S shoe-horned in between the s and the e on the title card to make Dessert – a pun on the fact it’s a candy/sweets level), Desert Ruins 2 (an auto-run level through honey combs) and Frozen Factory (the Sonic 2-styled casino level). On the 3DS, there were 3 available choices – a Windy Hill tutorial level, Windy Hill 1 and Desert Ruins 2 (here, an Egyptian-themed puzzle level with moving around of blocks & balls). We tried to play as much as possible, bearing in mind that because of queue lengths there was a limit of one level per person. Those of you who recall back to Summer of Sonic 2010 may remember we did a look at Sonic Colours‘ debut – this time we have opinions on the game not just from myself but several Sonic Retro forum members, so read on to see what we thought!

ESRB rates Sonic Lost World E10+ for ‘aggressive language’

The ESRB has finally posted its rating for Sonic Lost World and it decided that the game is rated E 10+, for ‘aggressive language’.  Before you freak out, its not that big of a deal, check out some of the lines they consider ‘aggressive’ below.

Rating Summary: In this action platformer, players control Sonic the Hedgehog as he attempts to stop an evil villain’s plans. As players zoom through fantastical landscapes, they collect items (e.g., gold rings and power-ups), avoid hazards, and use spin attacks to defeat robotic enemies; enemies break apart amid colorful explosions. During gameplay, characters sometimes use aggressive language (e.g., “You’re going home in a box,” ‘I’m going to skin you alive,’ and ‘I long for death’s cold embrace.’). Cutscenes also depict laser fire and explosions, as well as dialogue that references violence (e.g., “I’ll get fat from eating your black hearts,” “One second you’re contemplating genocide,” and “As long as I can still strangle a Zeti, my hands are fine.”).

What are your thoughts?

Takashi Iizuka explains why Sonic Lost World is Nintendo exclusive

There have been a lot of theories flying around online as to why Sonic Lost World is a Nintendo exclusive. Some say that Nintendo came to SEGA, offered them a pay check for exclusivity, and that before then the game was supposed to come out on all platforms. So what does Takashi Iizuka say when asked the question in the Official Nintendo Magazine?

“The Wii U hadn’t been revealed when development began for Sonic Lost World, so we were working on a PC version in order to see what kind of platformer we could make. Then, when we tried to think about which platform would be best for this game, we chose Nintendo.”Takashi Iizuka, head of Sonic Team

So there you have it, straight from Takashi himself. Though, I assume people with their own theories will brush this off and say it isn’t true. If it is or isn’t true, who cares, Sonic Lost World is coming exclusively to Wii U (and 3DS) this fall. Though, I would really like a PC version to be released, that would mean it’s still ‘console exclusive’.