The SEGA Five: Best SEGA games on Playstation 3

Today is the launch day for the Playstation 4 in America, many people are grabbing up the ‘next generation’ consoles and soon Playstation 3 will be a relic like the Playstation 2 before it. So I think its the perfect time to remember SEGA’s best Playstation 3 games. This is my personal list, if you want to share your favorites let us know in the comment section!

Yas Noguchi – Senior Producer at SEGA West leaves the company

Yas Noguchi is the Senior Producer who was responsable for bringing over Yakuza 4 and Yakuza: Dead Souls. He also worked on Sonic Generations. Sad day for Yakuza fans, as today is his last day at SEGA. Yeah, doesn’t look very good for Yakuza 5, at least to me. But you never know. If you want to say your goodbyes, you can post them here.
Hit the jump to see his goodbye post.

SEGA Five: Why I’m Glad to be a SEGA Fan

Here in America, we just finished celebrating Thanksgiving and went through hell with Black Friday. Now I’m sitting here putting together a list of why I’m glad to be a SEGA fan this year. It seems that SEGA hardly gets the credit they deserve for some of the things they do, but when they do something wrong everyone notices. So why am I a SEGA fan?

Amazon has hot deals on Super Monkey Ball 3DS and Yakuza 4

Amazon is having their own version of Black Friday, only they are doing it all week. They even have some pretty damn cheap games. Two SEGA deals that stand out are:

Don’t miss out if you have not picked up both those games, especially Yakuza 4. That game is just plain awesome. Find some other good SEGA deals on Amazon? Post it in the comment section. 

Black Friday: Some SEGA deals you will want to take part in

Sadly this year doesn’t have too much SEGA stuff on sale. Not neat bundles like Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo are releasing. But you can get some pretty good games for really cheap. Example:

  • Walmart is having Yakuza 4 for $9.99.
  • Gamestop is having Sonic Generations for $29.99 (including 360 & PS3 versions)
  • Target is having Sonic and the Secret of the rings for $9.99.
If you guys go on our site and don’t know about Yakuza games, picking up the 4th one for only 10 bucks is a damn steal. Get it! It has videos that catch you up. That is all the SEGA related deals I could find. If you guys find other deals leave them in the comment box or contact us. 

Swingin’ Report Show #7: Rise from the Grave

The podcast is back! After being away for far too long, we have decided to give podcasting another go, this should end up a bit better than when MC Hammer tried to make a comeback.

[RSS] – [Download]

On the show this week:

  • Me (George)
  • Sharky
  • Aki-at
  • Nuckles87

What we talked about:

  • What we have been up to
  • Yakuza talk: Celebrating Yakuza week!
  • Sonic Generations: What we think of the latest footage.
  • Phantasy Star Online 2: Looks so good!
  • Binary Domain: From hate to love.

If any readers want to ask questions or send their comments, you can always send them here or post them in the comments.


Round Table: Our favorite thing about the Yakuza series

We are bringing you this week’s round table early, to celebrate the closing of Yakuza week. This time we are talking about one thing we love about the Yakuza series… while Cube_b3 lists everything he hates. What a negative Nancy.

If you guys liked what we did for Yakuza week, tell SEGA about it. I’m sure we can do this for more games if there’s positive feedback.

Yakuza Week Final – Of winners and deals!

Yakuza Week draws to an end. Yesterday was the final day of the competitions and today all that is left to do is announce all winners!

Day 6 winners are:
Of the Yakuza 4 game (signed) and the Yakuza art book is – EricJamesRice
Of the Yakuza Yakuza branded bowl and chopsticks – dyeknom

Day 5:
Day 5 winners are:
Of the Yakuza Yakuza branded bowl and chopsticks -sakanakami
Of the Yakuza Yakuza branded bowl and chopsticks -skrammas

Day 4:
Of the Yakuza 4 game (signed) and the Yakuza art book is – Vittoriogiorgi

Day 3
Of the Yakuza 4 game (Signed) and branded Chopsticks! – Stinkdeken
Of the Yakuza 4 Art book and branded bowl! – Krup213

Day 2:
Of the Yakuza 4 game (signed) and the Yakuza art book is – jegarcia

Day 1:
Of the Yakuza 4 game (signed) and the Yakuza branded bowl -Hibikirush
Of the Yakuza 4 Art Book and Yakuza branded Chop Sticks – D12W

Congratulations to everyone who won and thanks to everyone who entered!

Final words!

Well, I’ve run out of reasons (good) for why you should purchase Yakuza 4! All I can do at this point is recommend it one final time.

Yakuza 4 is a genuinely really fantastic game, it is also really underrated. It has that unique Sega feel to it, it’s original and it has provided me and many here at Segabits staff hours and hours of fun. It’s the perfect game to jump in!

Oh and if that isn’t enough, it’s only £17.98 on Amazon UK!

For you American types, it’s only $44.99 with free shipping at

Yakuza Week: Who’s the boss now?

During this generation, I’ve seen a disturbing lack of boss fights, or at least, good boss fights. Thankfully, one of the most enjoyable aspects of any Yakuza game for me has become the boss battles. Yakuza is home to some of the most memorable boss fights in any recent SEGA title and the fourth mainline entry into the series isn’t any different. As with such articles, spoilers for the game follow, so if you happen not to have completed Yakuza 4 yet and do not wish to be spoiled, walk away now, for everyone else, please continue reading to find out my personal five!

Yakuza Week: Favorite Yakuza 4 tunes

In celebration of…I guess we’re calling it Yakuza Week, (rad) I figured it would be appropriate to dedicate some time to the music of the recently-released Yakuza 4. Their soundtracks have been one area that this series has always excelled in, and Yakuza 4 is certainly no exception. The adrenaline-pumping and guitar-heavy soundtrack returns, of course, as do the power balads, and let’s not forget those crazy Japanese karaoke songs. Here are some of the songs I found to be memorable in Yakuza 4, and I encourage you to post/discuss yours in the comments section below!

Yakuza Week at SegaBits!

Today is the first day of a very special week, (My week starts on a Thursday, deal with it!) The next 7 days will from this point on, officially be known as Yakuza Week! I’ve informed the Queen of England, the President of America and Colonel Gaddafi.

Each day this week I’ll write an article about my favorite things Yakuza 4 has to offer and why (if you haven’t already) you should go out and pick this game up right away!

Why? Well, because the Yakuza series is one of my favorite videogame series of all time, is criminally underrated (lol pun) and it should be one of yours too.

Not to mention Sega have generously donated us all these awesome prizes to give away! To win all you have to do is follow SEGAbits on twitter and we’ll pick winners at random! (Prize details coming up shortly!)

Yakuza 4 the best selling Playstation 3 game of 2010 in Japan

Japan love their Yakuza games, almost as much as we like to play cowboys in the west with Red Dead Redemption. So its no surprise that Yakuza 4 is the best selling Playstation 3 game in Japan for 2010.

The game manage to sell 577,199 units in 9 months (was released in March 18, 2010). Sure it isn’t uber blockbuster numbers and it just beat out Sony’s Gran Turismo 5 which was released in November, that did 563,378 units.

Even though Yakuza 4 was the best selling Playstation 3 game, it still came in #16 for best selling Japanese game on all consoles. Damn those Japanese kids and their love for Monster Hunter, Super Mario and Pokemon!

[Source: Siliconera]

First piece of Yakuza 4 DLC up for grabs today

Well, this is an improvement over Yakuza 3’s DLC. You get this pack for free. It raises the limits of your character’s strength and stamina, and also picks up your relationship with Haruka to a higher point. Oh, and two new karaoke songs.

There are also four new themes (not so free, except to PS+ users), each highlighting a different character of the game. They include Kazuma, Akiyama, Tanimura and Saejima. For normal PSN members, these will run you $2.99 each (£1.99, €2.49).

Pictured below is Akiyama’s theme. The rest of them are pictured at the SEGA Europe’s Blog, linked below.

[Source: SEGA]

Yakuza 4 hostess turns porn actress

So after spending hours and hours trying to get this hostess to look at me in a positive light, she goes and turns into a porn actress? Is it even called acting? I feel cheated, I want my high end jewelry back.

Elena Aihara has debuted her 225 minute epic pornography dvd, where they actually film inside a hostess club. Yes, I guess she got this gig due to Yakuza 4. You can view product page here, its safe for work unless you click on the cover of the DVD.

Below is pictures of her in-game in Yakuza 4.

[Source: AndriaSang]