Noah Pass, SEGA’s answer to GREE, reaches over 33 million users


Back in September of last year, SEGA announced an ambitious cross-promotional network for Japan called “Noah Pass” to help its fellow developers undercut the cost of advertising on networks such as GREE and DeNA. After initially launching with thirty developers, SEGA has revealed that fifty-one companies are now participating and that it reaches over 33 million users, numbers which no doubt pleases SEGA.

The main benefits of using Noah Pass include reducing advertising costs by eighty percent and not requiring gamers to register like other networks do. This helps to drive traffic from one game to another and keeps players downloading games from Noah Pass publishers. Currently SEGA, Capcom and Sqaure Enix  (In the form of Taito) are all part of Noah Pass, and there no restriction on the number of publishers that can join the network.

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